P. 14


                                                                                      Sectional model of a lithium-ion
                                                                                      electric-vehicle battery (© Audi)

          rial cost of manganese and graphite – at   the Congo. The latest developments   RECYCLING AS SOLUTION
          around 2.12 euros and 80 cents per kg   on the raw materials market show   TO THE SUPPLY CRISIS
          respectively – is negligible, with a kilo-  just how volatile the price of this
          gram of cobalt costing 70 US dollars and   highly sought-after metal really is.   The German Mineral Resources Agency
          nickel and lithium each costing almost   In fact, it has tripled within just two   (Dera) of the Federal Institute for Geosci-
          11 euros per  kilogram at the time of our   years [1], climbing 26 % within the   ences and Natural Resources has
          research, the value of the 250-kg or so   first quarter of 2018 alone. Given   calculated that over 40 % of global
          electric- vehicle battery of the compact     mining conditions that are far from   cobalt production goes into manufac-
          car soon adds up to almost 50 euros per   easy for such raw materials, the   turing lithium-ion batteries. This also
          kWh. It should be noted that these are   price is unlikely to drop. Management   puts it at the top of its hazard list in
          just the costs of the basic cell materials   con sultants Berylls Strategy Advisors   the latest risk assessment report pub-
          for the Li-NMC (lithium nickel manga-    therefore assume that the “produc-  lished in June 2018 [3]. Furthermore,
          nese cobalt oxide) battery commonly   tion, packaging and ancillary areas   the “dark side of the raw materials
          used in today’s electric vehicles.  of the traction battery will represent   supply chain” [4] also gives electric
           Some of these raw materials are   up to 40 % of the value creation of an   mobility a bad name. For the German
          unpredictable, for example, expensive   e-vehicle” [2]. But this is not the only   Dera, this is reason enough to recom-
          cobalt, which is mined primarily in   risk faced by electric mobility.  mend “developing a diversified supply

          Recycling efficiency of conventional processes and of the Duesenfeld process relating to a lithium-ion battery (without casing)

                State of the Art                     Duesenfeld 2018                        Duesenfeld 2020
                   27 %*                               56 to 75 %*                              96 %*
                    Separator                              Separator                             Separator
         Electrolyte  4 %                       Electrolyte  4 %                      Electrolyte  4 %
            16 %            Al case 13 %           16 %           Al case 13 %           16 %            Al case 13 %

                               Lithium 2 %                            Lithium 2 %                           Lithium 2 %
      Cu foil                               Cu foil                                Cu foil
      11 %                      Cobalt 7 %   11 %                      Cobalt 7 %  11 %                      Cobalt 7 %
                                Nickel 6 %                            Nickel 6 %                             Nickel 6 %

                              Manganese 6 %                          Manganese 6 %                         Manganese 6 %
    Anode coating                          Anode coating                         Anode coating
         19 %                                   19 %                                  19 %
                         Oxygen                                 Oxygen                                Oxygen
                  Al foil  11 %                          Al foil  11 %                         Al foil  11 %
                  5 %                                    5 %                                   5 %
    Green: material recycling      Red: other recycling or disposal (landfill, construction material, incineration)     * On battery cell level, normalized after substraction of oxygen
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