P. 21

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            defined and developed which are detected   mated driving and its various physical
            automatically by AVL-Drive. To define   parameters, are considered. As a result
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            criteria and functions a comprehensive   the ADAS under investigation is per-
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            assistance systems by humans, regular   fort and perceived safety of the car
            customers as well as professional drivers,   occupants, can be obtained. This
            was performed. Hence, multi-dimensional   improves and accelerates the commu-
            correlation formulas for defined assess-  nication process between the engineer-
            ment criteria could be derived.   ing departments and the management.

            FIGURE 1 ACC system behaviour of vehicle 20 (green line) in ACC scatter
            band (= minimum and maximum assessments of all vehicles) and average
            values (red line); rating 3 = bad, rating 10 = very fine (© AVL)
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