Page 77 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 77


            The next issue will be published on  November 29, 2019

             COVER STORY                                                         DEVELOPMENT

                                                                                Artificial Intelligence for
            Transmission –  Gear Shift Assistants                               Driver Assistance Systems and
                                                                                Autonomous Driving Functions
            and Hybridization Aids
                                                                                Machine Learning
                                                                                for Automated Driving

                                                                                Simulation of the Visibility Clearance
                                                                                on the Windshield

                                                                                Sven – A Package for Shared Mobility

                                                                                Estimation of the Minimum Distances
                                                                                for Motor and Wheel Movements

                                                                                Determination of Lane Change Behavior
                                                                                in a Driver-in-the-Loop Simulator

           © ZF                                                                  RESEARCH

            There will never be a single and   tinuous development process for the   Investigation of the Drop Movement
              universal configuration for automo-  entire powertrain. As far as transmis-  on a Motorcycle Helmet Visor
            tive transmissions that meets all of   sion actuation in cars is concerned,
            the technical, economic, and envi-  there is a constant search for higher
            ronmental criteria. The geographical   efficiency. For example, even today
            conditions, preferences regarding   loose rotating multi-disk clutches
            comfort and vehicle dynamics,    can already be designed to be sig-
            sources of torque, and types of   nificantly more efficient, and pumps
            engines are simply too diverse. As a   and valves for hydraulically con-
            result, the development processes   trolled transmissions can be further
            for transmissions have also become   improved, as LSP has analyzed as
            correspondingly complex, not only for   an analogy to wheel brake technol-
            cars, but also for commercial vehi-  ogy. In our ATZ interview, transmis-
            cles. Higher customer expectations   sion expert Prof. Ferit Küçükay from
            and new legislation mean that cali-  TU Braunschweig discusses which
            bration is becoming more costly and   hybrid concept will prevail in the
            time-consuming than ever before.   long term and whether he prefers
            AVL recognized early on that this   driving a dual-clutch transmission
            requires a computer-aided and con-  or a torque converter automatic.

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