Page 74 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 74



             Efficiency [-]


                                         480 rpm     1260 rpm    2700 rpm
                 0.5   0.75     1     1.25   1.5    1.75    2      2.25   2.5   FIGURE 6 Influence of rotation
                                                                                speed and torque on the efficiency
                                        Output torque [Nm]
                                                                                of a window regulator drive unit
                                                                                (© UAS South Westphalia)

          be extended by a minimum of one temperature measuring point   ations of the speed measurements are only dependening on the
          in the gearbox.                                    sensor quality and the digitizing error. Furthermore, it has been
           If the operating conditions are controlled, the maximum total   shown that the operating parameters such as speed, torque, tem-
          deviations of an efficiency measurement can be calculated from   perature and lubrication condition have an elementary influence
          the relative deviations of the individual measured variables.   on the efficiency and must be controlled as good as possible.
          According to DIN 1319, the single deviations of quantities which
          affect the total variance by multiplication can be summarized   REFERENCES
          according to Eq. 2 [6]:                            [1]  Rieg, F.; Steinhilper, R: Handbuch Konstruktion. München: Carl-Hanser-
                                                             Verlag, 2018
                                                             [2] Prüftechnik Alignment System GmbHs: Wellenausrichten. Handbuch für
           Eq. 2    f   Total    =    √ f         +  f         +  f          +  f                Techniker und Ingenieure. 1 st  edition, Ismaning, 2005
                                                             [3] Pohl, M.: Physik für alle. 1 st  edition, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2014
                        T_In  n_In  T_Out  n_Out
                                                             [4] Nönnig, R.; Heß, D.; Hoffmann, R.: Justieruntersuchungen zum Ausrichten
                                                             von optischen und mechanischen Achsen. TU Ilmenau, 1999
          A deviation of 1 % each for input and output torque and for input
                                                             [5] Niemann, G.; Winter, H.: Maschinenelemente. Volume 3, 2 nd  edition, Berlin/
          and output speed leads to the following relative total deviation,   Heidelberg/New York: Springer-Verlag, 2004
          Eq. 3:                                             [6] DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V.: DIN 1319 Teil 3. Grundlagen der
                                                             Meßtechnik. Teil 3: Auswertung von Messungen einer einzelnen Meßgröße
                                                             Meßunsicherheit. Berlin: Beuth-Verlag, 1996
                                 + 0. 01
           Eq. 3    f   Total    =   √0. 01     + 0. 01    2       + 0. 01    2      = 0.02 ⇒ 2 %
          6 SUMMARY
          As the presented system illustrates, modular test systems enable
          an economic analysis of the mechanical parameters of gearboxes
          and electrical drive units. This results of a multiple use and stan-
          dardized operation of cost-intensive components such as sensors,
          measuring amplifiers, controlled drives and brakes. In addition, a
          standardized alignment sliding carrier system can easily limit posi-
          tion errors of the different axis and positively influence reproduc-
          ibility and maximum measuring deviations. Only the torque spec-
          trum is limited by a standardized measuring sliding carrier, but
          covers the range of gearboxes for comfort functions in passenger
          cars (0.001 to 25 Nm).
           The analysis of the maximal measuring errors pointed out that
          it is always necessary to estimate the deviations related to the
          actual measured value. In most cases the deviation related to the
          nominal value of a sensor is given, but especially for low range
          measurements much smaller than the real value.
           In case of gear efficiency measurements, special regards have
          to be taken on the deviations related to the torque. This is because
          there is a large number of effecting variables. In contrast, the devi-
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