Page 69 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 69

LoHA                                               LoHA
                           Maximized         Minimized
                           cooperation       cooperation                                        cooperation
                 System                                             System
                                  Reduced cooperation                                Intermediate
                 Driver                                             Driver
                                  Manual driving
                        Driver                    System                   Driver                    System
                               Planning adaption (LoPA)                            Planning adaption (LoPA)

            FIGURE 4 Different types of cooperation (© Volkswagen)  FIGURE 5 Tuning of the active steering assistance (© Volkswagen)

            Race Trainer, with different symbols showing the possible imple-  plays a central role, as it allows unifying the objective teaching
            mentation for three driver skills. A novice driver is not allowed to   goal and the subjective driver experience. The resulting types of
            deviate far from the racing line while a professional driver gains a   cooperation offer an intuitive way for realizing a training experi-
            lot more freedom and receives fewer control commands by the   ence that offers guidance, freedom, individuality and safety. The
            ADAS. In an emergency situation the ADAS always changes into   concept for mentoring systems therefore offers a holistic approach
            the type of minimized cooperation to assure safety. Even though   to designing ADAS that aim to teach their user new skills.
            it is not a desired teaching situation, the internal control loops   The new ideas and algorithms derived from project Race
            have to be designed to handle this situation [5].  Trainer, FIGURE 6, can also be applied to other training scenarios
                                                               like traditional driver education or a “refresher” for drivers of
                                                               highly automated vehicles (level 4). As long as drivers are
            4 SUMMARY
                                                               expected to take over in emergencies, they should demonstrate
            Driving competence, the true controlled variable in a driver train-  and improve upon their driving competence in regular intervals.
            ing, can only be improved through proper system design. Refer-  The mentoring concept would allow for an implementation with-
            ence value generation and the internal control loops should there-  out a driving instructor.
            fore be developed according to ideas of the mentoring concept.
            The Level of Planning Adaption (LoPA) as new degree of freedom
                                                               [1]  Volkswagen AG: Research Vehicle Race Trainer. Online: https://www.volkswa-
                                                     , access: July 27, 2019
                                                               [2] Schacher, S.; King, R.: Konzept für Mentorensysteme – Neuartige Fahreras-
                                                               sistenzsysteme am Beispiel Race Trainer. In: 34. VDI/VW-Gemeinschaftstagung
                                                               Fahrerassistenzsysteme und automatisiertes Fahren 2018 (2018), pp. 283–298
                                                               [3] Waldmann, P.: Entwicklung eines Fahrzeugführungssystems zum Erlernen der
                                                               Ideallinie auf Rennstrecken. Cottbus, Technical University, dissertation, 2009
                                                               [4] Nguyen, V.: Volkswagen Race Trainer Self-Driving and Augmented Reality
                                                               hands-on. Online:, access: July 27, 2019
                                                               [5] Schacher, S.: Das Mentorensystem Race Trainer – Konzept für ein semi-au-
                                                               tomatisches Fahrertraining. Berlin, Technical University, dissertation, 2019
                                                               [6] Schacher, S.; Haneberg, J.: Hödt, J.; King, R.: Planungsadaption und Aktiv-
                                                               ierungsschranken zur Abstimmung von vertikal kooperierenden Fahrerassis-
                                                               tenzsystemen. In: at-Automatisierungstechnik 67 (2019), No. 7, pp. 557–571
                                                               [7] Schacher, S.; Hödt, J.; King, R.: Fahrerspezifische Geschwindigkeitsprofile
                                                               für die automatische oder die kooperative Fahrt. In: at-Automatisierungstechnik
                                                               66 (2018), No. 1, pp. 53–65
                                                               [8] Baltzer, M.; Flemisch, F.; Altendorf, E.; Meier, S.: Mediating the interaction
                                                               between human and automation during the arbitration processes in cooperative
                                                               guidance and control of highly automated vehicles. In: Proceedings of the
                                                               5 th  International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Argonomics (AHFE),
                                                               2014, pp. 2107–2118
                                                               [9] Abbink, D. A.; Mulder, M.; Boer, E. R.: Haptic shared control: Smoothly
                                                               shifting control authority? In: Cognition, Technology & Work 14 (2012), No. 1,
                                                               pp. 19–28

            FIGURE 6 One training scenario is traditional driver education (© Volkswagen)
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