Page 68 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 68


                                                             cept of planning adaption, which incorporates the driver intention.
                                                             The planning adaption is a new degree of freedom for ADAS design
                                                             and was introduced in [2], with [6] describing an implementation
                                                             for lateral path planning and [7] describing the concept for longi-
                                                             tudinal velocity profile generation. The planning adaption differs
                                                             significantly from previously introduced concepts like the trajec-
                                                             tory adaption [8]. The goal of this adaption is to create reference
                                                             values that fully represent the driver’s wish on future events
                                                             whereas the planning adaption aims to combine the driver inten-
                                                             tion and the system intention (the teaching goal) for a specific
                            Learning objective               effect. Therefore, the reference values represent the overall teach-
                            System intention                 ing goal while providing a subjectively better experience for the
                            Driver intention                 driver. The planning adaption is vital for creating an appropriate
                            Adapted                          and, more importantly, subjectively individualized training experi-
                                                             ence. Aiming for tailored human-machine interactions improves
                                                             the driver’s acceptance towards the system, reducing the risk for
          FIGURE 2 Lateral planning adaption (© Volkswagen)  frustration and increasing the likelihood for willingness to learn.
                                                             FIGURE 2 shows the lateral planning adaption with a teaching line
                                                             adapted to the driver intention [6]. FIGURE 3 shows the core of the
                                                             longitudinal planning adaption that uses customized “g-g” pat-
                      10                                     terns to generate subjectively better velocity profiles [7].
                                 System intention
                                 Driver intention            3 AN ADDITIONAL DEGREE OF FREEDOM FOR
                  Acceleration a x  [m/s 2 ]  0              The planning adaption complements the concept of the Level of
                                                             DESIGNING ADAS

                                                             Haptic Authority (LoHA) introduced in [9] as a new degree of
                                                             freedom for tuning the control actions of the mentoring system
                                                             Race Trainer. The LoHA addresses the dominance with which the
                                                             ADAS acts on the vehicle’s interface (steering, throttle- and
                                                             brake-pedal) and therefore defines how strong the driver is influ-
                    −10                                      enced. Imitating this terminology, one can also reference the
                       −10           0           10
                                                             Level of Planning Adaption (LoPA) for the new degree of freedom.
                              Acceleration a  [m/s ]         LoHA and LoPA have different effects on the driver as they mod-
                                                             ify different aspects of the interaction: FIGURE 2 shows a driving
                                                             situation, in which the system intention would require a steering
          FIGURE 3 Longitudinal planning adaption (© Volkswagen)  maneuver to the left, while the adapted plan would require a
                                                             maneuver to the right. The LoHA then differentiates how author-
                                                             itative the ADAS would act to fulfill the selected trajectory.
                                                              LoHA and LoPA thus create a two-dimensional space for tuning
           Additionally, the driver’s actions disturb the nominal control per-  ADAS. FIGURE 4 shows this two-dimensional space, with lines and
          formance of the internal control loops, but the active participation   areas illustrating special types of cooperation. The driver intention
          is necessary for the learning process. The concept for mentoring   is defined as the basis of cooperation. Both axes reach from driver
          systems is introduced as a possible solution for all these, at times   to system, representing the respective extremes. The cooperation
          opposing, needs:                                   type maximized cooperation describes an ADAS that acts perfectly
           Mentoring System means guidance, freedom, individuality and   upon the driver intention. The LoHA then decides how strongly the
          safety. A mentor is a highly skilled supervisor capable of demon-  driver is assisted to fulfill his wish. Manual driving can be viewed
          strating the teaching goal (guidance) that assists the trainee/driver   as a special type of maximized cooperation with no assistance. If
          with just the right amount (freedom) and continually adapts to the   the ADAS is using the type minimized cooperation, then the sys-
          learning progress (individuality). For potentially dangerous teach-  tem intention (usually safety critical decisions which are also in
          ing scenarios like driver training on racetracks, it is also important   the driver’s minimal interest) is prioritized. The LoHA then decides
          to protect the user from harm (safety).            how strongly the driver is influenced (potentially even decoupled)
           This new concept was developed together with new algorithms   to prevent an undesired event. A large spectrum for ADAS design
          because established approaches for implementing ADAS are not   opens up between these extremes through the planning adaption.
          sufficient for designing a semi-automatic mentoring system [5].   This spectrum is labeled reduced cooperation since the driver
          The design of the system has to be enhanced in terms of reference   intention is taken into account but not fulfilled completely.
          value generation (path planning) and low-level actuation control.   Reduced cooperation is the recommended type of cooperation
          Additionally, the internal control loops need to take into account   of a mentoring system, as it tailors the system’s interaction to the
          unpredictable inputs from the user. Especially important is the   user while sticking to the teaching goals. FIGURE 5 illustrates the
          modification of reference value generation through the new con-  tuning of the active steering assistance in the research vehicle
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