Page 64 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 64


          The Vehicles of Tomorrow

          with New Requirement Profiles

          The automotive industry is having to face
          changing mobility requirements and new
          boundary conditions. By the same token,
          organizers of classical vehicle technology
          conferences are also under pressure to
          face this transition, for example by pro-

          viding systemic views and offering plat-
          forms to discuss new and relevant vehicle
          requirement profiles. Which is why ATZlive
          has founded the International ATZ Confer-
          ence “Vehicles of Tomorrow” together with
          the materials magazines and the editorial
          teams of the ATZ family and with the sup-   © Edag Engineering GmbH
          port of Edag and fka.

          The trend toward more intelligent, networked, electrified (to vary-  expert knowledge for the systemic views that are required
          ing degrees) and (highly) automated vehicles means that designers   and considered in other sub-disciplines in vehicle technology.
          and vehicle developers, together with materials engineers, connec-  The conference thus acts as a bridge between the sessions for the
          tor specialists, manufacturing experts and quality managers   entire vehicle, interior concepts and HMI, together with security
          mutually face new tasks. New degrees of freedom are emerging for   solutions, as well as chassis and interior specific disciplines such
          car bodies, chassis and interior cabins. Completely new vehicle   as materials, connection technologies, hybrid components; sup-
          concepts are being invented for private, but mainly for (partially)   plemented by technological innovation in manufacturing and
          public traffic. Rolling chassis, or skateboard designs, make experts   processes as well as development methodologies.
          begin to talk of business models on four wheels.    The conference acts as an information hub and communication
           The international ATZ conference “Vehicles of Tomorrow”    platform for all solution-oriented individuals who are involved in
          is thus extending its earlier focus as a technology congress with   the vehicle creation process chain. At the same time, ATZlive
          keynotes discussing future mobility concepts and a session “new   would like the event to contribute to an effective exchange of
          business models.” In this way, the organizers are transporting   views between research and industry.

           International Expert Conference Vehicles of Tomorrow 2019 – Development, Materials, Production

           Date:                         19 and 20 November 2019
           Event location:               House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM), Frankfurt/Main (Germany)
           Sponsor:                      Edag Engineering GmbH
           Cooperation partner:          Forschungsgesellschaft Kraftfahrwesen mbH Aachen (fka)
           Conference fee:               € 1295.00 plus VAT
           Media partner:                ATZ, ATZproduktion, JOT, Keramische Zeitschrift,, adhäsion, Interceram
           Further information:

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