Page 60 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 60


          sary IT measures and methods. The                            Backend
          specifications and recommendations
          of the BSI are regarded as minimum
                                                                     Provider 1
          requirements and must be taken into                      (for example OEM)
          account and implemented in the devel-                   Operating system
          opment process of safety-critical systems               Services
          such as virtual vehicle keys. Internation-                Web
          ally accepted standards, such as the
          Common Criteria (CC) Standard and                                         3
          the Federal Information Processing                      Telematik      1
                                                                 WLAN  …
          Standard (Fips), valid in the USA,                     BLE
          must be observed analogously to BSI
           As a founding member of RCAR [2],                                                     interaction
                                                               physical, …
          an international association of motor
          vehicle research institutes run by insur-  Vehicle  Internet, GSM,  Internet,…  Internet, GSM, …  Smartphone
          ance companies, the AZT has contrib-  Domains                                   Operating system
          uted the requirements to the responsible   Comfort                               Apps        TEE
          working group. The work on the interna-  ECUs
                                                  ECU                                        App
          tional document was completed in May,
                                                                 BLE, NFC, WLAN, …
          2019, and since June, 2019, the require-  TEE  GW                               Hardware
          ments for VFS have been published as   Telematik                                 Telematik
                                                WLAN NFC                                   WLAN NFC
          RCAR Standard [3].                                                  BLE, NFC,
                                                BLE 5G                                     BLE  5G
                                            V V V Virtual Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyy ||||||||||| AAAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZZZZZZTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ||||||||||| NNNNNNNNNNNaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttttttaaaaaaaaaaaaaallia DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDzzzzzzzzzzziamccccchhhhhhhhhhhukk
                                            Virtual Key | AZT | Natallia Dziamchuk
           This standard is taken into account in   2 21-Aug-191-Aug-1999999999999999999  WLAN, …
          the evaluation of new networked vehicle
          models with keyless access systems by   FIGURE 2 Ecosystem virtual vehicle key (© AZT)
          RCAR institutes worldwide. Based on
          this, test results will be published, for
          example the five-star safety rating sys-
          tem of Thatcham [4] in the UK, and are   vice providers can have their data and   detail. In addition, although the ac -
          then also freely available to consumers.  business processes carried out on one    cess systems are developed by a few
           This positioning of the international   or more backends or data platforms.  well-known global suppliers, vehicles
          insurance industry is a supplement    In the classic product development   equipped with model-dependent compo-
          to the Digital Key specification of the    process of automobile manufacturers,   nents of varying price and quality end
          Car Connectivity Consortium (CCC) [5],   the decision on the geometric and func-  up on the road. If a hardware-side secu-
          which is defined as an industry standard   tional arrangement of components and   rity gap will be discovered in one of the
          primarily for development purposes from   the associated costs in the various con-  older components, which can no longer
          the point of view of automobile and   figuration alternatives of new vehicle   be closed by a software update in a
          smartphone manufacturers.         models is made even before series devel-  timely manner or only can be solved
                                            opment begins. With an average life   with large financial and logistical costs,
                                            cycle of 9.5 years, a vehicle stays on the   an entity and possibly the entire ecosys-
                                            market considerably longer than prod-  tem is at risk of a potentially scalable
          The virtual vehicle key ecosystem,   ucts from the consumer electronics   attack for an undefinable period of time.
          shown in FIGURE 2, consists of three    industry. This raises the question of how   According to automobile manufactur-
          entities: a vehicle, a mobile device and    compatibility between the newest mobile   ers, vehicle owners are responsible for all
          a backend, which communicate with   devices and older vehicles can be guar-  their vehicle keys – for the physical key
          each other through various interfaces   anteed. Even though the interface for an   set and now also for all active virtual
          (NFC, BLE, GMS, etc.).            over-the-air update is currently being   keys. The allocation and cancellation
           The ecosystem can be scaled to a large   implemented by the automotive industry   of usage authorizations are managed by
          number of vehicles, users and mobile   and enables a secure software update,   him mainly on a mobile device. From the
          devices (for example also combinations   the issue of compatibility between these   practical point of view, the physical key is
          of smartphone and Smartwatch) and   two entities will remain open.  tangible for a vehicle owner and visible
          backends. Various car sharing concepts                              on the key board. The virtual vehicle key
          can be derived from this, such as multi-                            is not really tangible and only abstractly
                                            ATTACK VECTORS
          user cases. Here, several users have                                comprehensible. Any unauthorized data
          access to one vehicle or vice versa, as in   Considering the expected large hardware   manipulation of the driving authoriza-
          a multi-key case, where different keys on   gap over the lifetime of these two enti-  tions on the smartphone is not necessar-
          a single smartphone allow access to sev-  ties, the resulting risks to which the key   ily immediately noticeable or verifiable
          eral vehicles. Private car-sharing provid-  user is involuntarily exposed in everyday   for the key users and can lead to a lack
          ers or fleet operators as independent ser-  life can currently not be predicted in   explanation in case of theft.
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