Page 61 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 61

In this way, new attack vectors can   REQUIREMENTS                tem is only as strong as its weakest
            arise which the automotive industry                                 entity or unsecured interface of its
            and the end consumer have not yet   The requirements for virtual vehicle    communication channels. Therefore,
            encountered. With a virtual vehicle key   keys have included more than the just   a security-conscious orchestration
            in particular, the interconnectedness   above-mentioned analysis of the entire   of all entities in their diversity is of
            extends deep into the vehicle system   ecosystem and new attack vectors. Many   decisive importance.
            until the immobilizer is deactivated. If   years of experience in insurer internal   This makes it even more important
            the ecosystem is insufficiently designed,   theft and security research, industry-spe-  for the automotive industry during the
            far-reaching risks arise that a vehicle   cific regulation and compensation pro-  design of the ecosystem, not to restrict
            user cannot assess in everyday life.   cesses and the protection of customers   itself to the entity vehicle and its inter-
            Therefore, the responsibility for virtual   against unjustified suspicion also char-  faces to other entities, but to consider the
            keys must not simply be delegated to   acterize these technical guidelines.  entire spectrum of security measures in
            the customer.                       The requirements are structured into   combination. On the vehicle side, the
              FIGURE 3 shows schematically possible   four chapters [2]. In the first part, the   selection of parts that are now to be cer-
            attack vectors on the ecosystem of vir-  requirements for the overall system   tified specifically for safety-critical appli-
            tual vehicle keys. Unauthorized access    based on the current IT basic protection   cations remains important.
            to backend or communication channels   of the BSI are found. These are followed   When designing and implementing
            enables access to the entire ecosystem.  by the requirements for the design and   usage authorizations, the access authori-
              An important attack vector from the   implementation of the usage concept on   zation must be separated from the driv-
            viewpoint of motor insurance is a total   a mobile device. Finally, the backend   ing authorization. For example, an ac -
            theft. A classic theft is committed at the   requirements are formulated as a data-   cess authorization in the trunk for a
            scene of a crime by direct manipulation   bundling entity sensitive to remote at -  courier service must not lead to the sub-
            of the vehicle, such as smashing a win-  tacks. The last part of the requirements   sequent deactivation of the immobilizer.
            dow. The physical proximity to the vic-  deals with forensics in an event of a total   On the procedural side of the system,
            tim and the danger of being discovered   theft and describes transparent data log-  a multi-factor authentication is required.
            can now be replaced by a remote attack   ging and a consistent manufacturer-in-  For an inexperienced user, the additional
            and executed by manipulating data or   dependent revocation procedure for   effort seems unnecessary and time-theft-
            compromising security mechanisms    assigned user authorizations.   ing at first glance. From the perspective
            at the backend, from anywhere in the   The new access and driving authoriza-  of IT security, this fundamentally in -
            world. This creates new attack vectors,   tion systems for networked vehicles must   creases the security of the application
            the so-called cyber risks, which the   in general be protected against unautho-  and makes unauthorized manipulation
            insurance industry is not familiar with   rized access and manipulation in order   significantly more difficult. In order to
            and has not yet gained any empirical   to guarantee the security of the overall   be able to close any potential vulnerabili-
            experience.                       system. The virtual vehicle key ecosys-  ties afterwards, the implementation of an
                                                                                over-the-air interface for remote updates
                                                                                over the lifetime of a vehicle model is
                                                                                  The storage of sensitive data must
                                                                                be performed exclusively on a tamper-
                                                                                proof storage environment in order to
                                                                                protect this data and the security-critical
                                                                                operations against all types of soft-
                                                                                ware-based attacks (for example privi-
                                                                                lege escalation attacks). The transmis-
                                                                                sion channels must be protected against
                                                                                already known relay attacks on keyless
                                                                                locking systems, such as keyless entry
                                                                                and go, and against attacks known from
                                                                                the IT industry, such as side channel
                                                                                attacks and spoofing of entities.
                                                                                  Every reported total theft must be
                                                                                checked for plausibility by the insurers.
                                                                                If a claim occurs, the policyholder must
                                                                                fulfil his contractual obligations and pro-
                                                                                vide information regarding the circum-
                                                                                stances and hand over the complete set
                                                                                of keys to the insurer for checking the
                                                                                completeness of the key set. With virtual
                                                                                keys on smartphones, this process is
            FIGURE 3 Attack vectors on the ecosystem virtual vehicle key (© AZT)  very difficult to manage from a data pro-
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