Page 58 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 58


                                                                                                   © AZT

          The smartphone becomes the car key. German vehicle manufacturers are begin-
          ning to offer their customers a virtual key as an application on a mobile device in
          addition to the classic physical vehicle keys. AZT Automotive GmbH, the Allianz
          Center for Technology (AZT), has investigated the security risks of using virtual
          vehicle keys and their implementation on smartphones and other devices.

          CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE OF            a vehicle user may also choose both vari-  Since 2006, the number of the total
          KEY APPLICATIONS                  ants and use a virtual key parallel to the   vehicle thefts has remained relatively sta-
                                            conventional key.                 ble in Germany, at less than 20,000 vehi-
          Like the rapid spread of smartphones, a                             cles per year, despite the steady increase
          quick customer acceptance of key appli-                             in the vehicle population, FIGURE 1. The
                                            HIGH CLAIM COSTS
          cation in private and commercial use can                            main reason for this is the introduction
                                            DUE TO THEFT
          be expected. It is very likely that the vir-                        of electronic immobilizers (Wegfahr-
          tual vehicle key will replace the conven-  Theft is a major topic in motor vehicle   sperre, WFS) in the mid-1990s as a mea-
          tional key in everyday life. The modern   insurance and is characterised by high   sure against the massive increase in total
          vehicle can be opened and started with   claims cost. This leads to significantly   thefts resulting from the German reunifi-
          a smartphone or, in the future, with any   higher claims costs for a large number    cation and the opening of borders.
          wearable device. Key transfer becomes    of new, premium vehicle models. Theft
          a breeze. Access and driving authoriza-  includes not only total theft, which is
          tions among family members and friends   significantly relevant for the type class,
          can be forwarded online in seconds.    but also theft of vehicle parts from and   The latest developments in the automo-
          The conventional key set will then stay   out of the vehicle, which is usually asso-  tive industry make vehicles with net-
          at home. Depending on the situation,    ciated with high collateral damage.  worked systems and permanent connec-
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