Page 54 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 54


          Crash-proof Wood Composites                                                            © WoodCar

            in Lightweight Bodyworks of the Future

          Modern wood composites have good mechanical properties with comparably
          low density. At the same time, they improve the CO 2  balance of vehicles.
          Used correctly, wood is equivalent to fiber-reinforced plastics and metals.
          In the WoodCar research project, Virtual Vehicle, Graz University of Technology
          and University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna were able to
          demonstrate the suitability of wood composites under crash loading.

          SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS             als are competitive to fiber-reinforced   static and crash load condition. Conse-
          WANTED                            polymers and metals.              quently, future development tasks for
                                             To date, however, material data and   this application were derived.
          The current debates on improving the   material maps of wood could not be   The automotive industry is searching
          CO 2  balance of vehicles of the future call   made available for the numerical simula-  intensively for new lightweight design
          for new considerations on the material   tion of crash loads. With the research   materials [1, 2]. In modern vehicle con-
          mix. Novel materials and sustainable   project WoodCar, Virtual Vehicle, Graz   struction, an increasing amount of com-
          material composites are urgently needed.   University of Technology and University   posite materials, such as glass fiber and
          Modern wood-based materials have   of Natural Resources and Life Sciences   carbon fiber composites, as well as even
          excellent mechanical properties and a   Vienna could now demonstrate the   small amounts of natural fiber compos-
          very low density paired with low mate-  potential of wood composite materials    ites are being used [3-7]. However, these
          rial costs. Properly applied, wood materi-  as a lightweight design material under   materials are difficult to process and
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