Page 50 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 50


          Serial Sensors for the

          Fiber Composite Body

                                                                                                       © Bosch
            Functionalized Lightweight Design

          and Damage Monitoring


          Challenges for Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) lightweight design are
          fast development times and high cost pressure. Besides, present
          sensor-based vehicle features need to be implemented in future vehi-
                                                                                                Linda Klein. M. Sc.
          cles as well. An approach is to integrate current automobile sensors           is Development Engineer at the
                                                                                        Robert Bosch GmbH in the Engi-
          directly into FRP structures. This integration of a current acceleration    neering Center of Competence Plas-
                                                                                      tics at Division Powertrain Solutions
          sensor even enables a secondary feature for damage monitoring.                 in Schwieberdingen (Germany).

          CHALLENGES FOR FRP IN THE         leration sensor is integrated into FRP   problems caused by standard
          AUTOMOTIVE SECTOR                 structures. The sensor is part of the    mounting technologies are avoided.
                                            sensor concept of the passive vehicle     – Weight and single wirings of the
          Resource efficiency and an increased per-  safety. The target is an efficient approach,   sensors are reduced, what saves
          formance can be achieved by lightweight   which combines FRP lightweight design   place, among other things.
          design. Established materials are Fiber   with already existent knowledge on the     – No particular development for
          Reinforced Polymers (FRP), for structures   automobile sensor. In related works, sen-  sensors is needed for the integra-
          with load-specific design and high design   sor technologies were mainly particu-  tion in FRP structures.
          flexibility. Within the automotive sector,   larly developed for the integration, such   The integration of the automobile acceler-
          fast development times and high develop-  as piezoceramic sensors (inter alia [1]),   ation sensor adds an additional benefit.
          ing and pro duction costs are a challenge.   fiber Bragg Gratings (inter alia [2]) or   Beside the primary function for the pas-
          Besides, present sensor-based vehicle    fiber sensors (inter alia [3]).  sive vehicle safety, the sensor can serve
          features need to be implemented also                                for a damage monitoring as a secondary
          for future vehicles. Additionally, the                              feature. This is essential for FRP struc-
                                            ADVANTAGES OF THE INTEGRATION
          number of sensors increases with lim-                               tures, because internal damages, such
                                            OF CURRENT AUTOMOBILE SENSORS
          ited con struction space. Further, the stan-                        as fiber cracks or dela mination, are often
          dard mounting technologies for sensors    The potential of FRP structures lies not   hard to recognize by visual inspection.
          are not always suitable for FRP struc-  only in the weight reduction. In addition,
          tures. Thus, bolted connections can    the setup in layers of the structures
                                                                              REALIZATION OF THE
          corrosively be damaged by conductive   enables to directly integrate sensors.
                                                                              SENSOR INTEGRATION
          carbon fibers.                     By this, the use of current automobile
           A research contribution at the Robert   sensors has several advantages:  FIGURE 1 (left) shows the current automo-
          Bosch GmbH deals with this subject.     – The application of current sensors    bile acceleration sensor. The sensor has a
          Doing this, a current automobile acce-  is possible for FRP parts, whereas   housing with a connector interface and a
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