Page 55 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 55


             Dipl.-Ing. Georg Baumann, B. Sc.
              is Project Assistant at the Vehicle
             Safety Institute at Graz University of
                      Technology (Austria).

               Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Stadlmann
             is Scientific Project Employee at the
              Institute of Wood Technology and
             Renewable Materials of the Univer-  FIGURE 1 Specific Young’s moduli and strengths of massive wood (longitudinal) in comparison to the
              sity of Natural Resources and Life   standard body materials body steels and aluminum alloys [8] (© WoodCar)
                   Sciences Vienna (Austria).

                                              lead to an increase in product costs due   major research programs were carried
                                              to their material price and heightened   out to characterize the material wood
                                              production costs. Wood is a lightweight   and products made from it. With the
                                              design material with excellent mecha-  exception of wood-species with a very
                Dipl.-Ing. Christian Kurzböck   nical properties, FIGURE 1. The consider-  low density (for example balsa) or an
              is Lead Researcher for Structural
                  Safety at the Virtual Vehicle   able mechanical performance of wood or   exceptionally high durability (for exam-
                             (Austria).       wood-based materials is the content of   ple teak), many wood species that are
                                              numerous scientific publications.  considered relevant as a construction
                                                                                material in mechanical engineering are
                                                                                native to Europe: spruce, ash, birch, pop-
                                              REDUCING CO 2  EMISSIONS
                                                                                lar, beech, maple and oak. In that way,
                                              WITH WOOD
                                                                                raw-material transport induced CO 2
                                              The Intergovernmental Panel on Cli-  emissions can be reduced, too.
              Dr. techn. Dipl.-Ing. Florian Feist   mate Change (IPCC) has published the
               is Senior Project Scientist at the   “Special Report on Global Warming of
             Vehicle Safety Institute of Graz Uni-  1.5 °C” [8] in 2018. There, it is stated that   WOOD CONCEPT FOR THE
                versity of Technology (Austria).                                SIDE IMPACT BEAM
                                              in order to limit global warming to 1.5 °C,
                                              a decrease in emissions of 45 % by 2030   Side impact beams are installed in pas-
                                              and a net zero by 2050 would be re  quired.   senger car doors to protect occupants in
                                              The report recognizes afforestation, refor-  case of a side impact. The side impact
                                              estation and forest management a key   beam distributes forces to adjacent struc-
                                              strategy for climate change mitigation.   tural elements, the A and B pillar, and
                                              These measures are the only viable car-  thus reduces intrusions during a side
                                              bon removal technology as for now.  impact.
                                                Wood as a design material can contrib-  An OEM kindly provided a baseline
                                              ute to greenhouse gas reduction and re -  vehicle; this is physical door-assemblies
                                              moval in two ways: on the one hand by a   and a detailed Finite-element model
                                              storage effect using wood products and on   (FE model). The vehicle under study is
                                              the other hand by a substitution ef  fect of   a mid-sized family SUV designed for the
                                              fossil materials in a “post carbon” product.  US market with a tare weight of 2000 kg.
                                                In the past, wood was widely used as   The side impact beam in the vehicle un -
                                              design material in machine, vehicle and   der study has a closed almost rectangu-
                                              aircraft industry. The heyday of the use   lar cross-section and is made of Ultra-
                                              for technical purposes has experienced   high Strength Steel (UHS). A single side
                                              wood in the period from the 30s to 50s    impact beam weigh (without connectors)
                                              of the last century. During this time   1.18 kg.
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