Page 59 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 59


                                                                                             Dipl.-Ing. Natallia Dziamchuk
            Virtual Vehicle Keys                                                            is Expert for Safety Research at
                                                                                           AZT Automotive GmbH in Munich
            from an Insurance Company’s


            tion to the cloud very attractive for   into account as guidelines in the develop-  The AZT requirements are deliberately
            hacker attacks. In order to identify the   ment of security-critical authorization   kept application-neutral in order to not
            resulting risks and possible manipula-  systems and the design of after-sales ser-  restrict the technological development of
            tions, the AZT, in cooperation with the   vices, thereby increasing their protection   the automotive and consumer electronics
            Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Informa-  against misuse. The insurance industry   industries and the implementation of
            tion Technology, analyzed the entire vir-  can use these requirements to assess the   their digital business models. The focus
            tual vehicle key (VFS) ecosystem with   risks of new products, in the private sec-  lies on maintaining the level of anti-theft
            the participating entities and formulated   tor and in the fleet business. Insurers’   protection as achieved to date.
            the requirements for virtual vehicle keys   claims settlement benefits from forensic   The generic AZT requirements are
            from the insurers’ perspective. These   requirements. Regulated forensics and   based on the technical guidelines of the
            requirements should primarily make   objective claims handling ultimately   German Federal Office for Information
            access and driving authorizations secure.   serve the interests of the policyholder or   Security BSI [1], which defines the basic
            Automobile manufacturers can take them   consumer.                  IT security in Germany through neces-

            FIGURE 1 Absolute number of insured
            permanently disappeared passenger cars
            (© AZT)
            ATZ worldwide 11|2019                                                                            53
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