Page 57 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
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is, the deformation energy) of the side
                                                       Overlay test and simulation          Force intrusion
            impact beams were measured and
            evaluated.                                                            30
              The wood concept side impact beam                                  Force [kN]  20
            has a sandwich layup consisting of birch                              10
            veneer layers, viscose fabric layer and                               0
                                                                                   0   50  100  150  200  250  300
            cardboard honeycomb. The idea of the                                             Instrusion [mm]
            layup is to provide a high initial stiff-                T = 28 ms
                                                                                          Test     Simulation
            ness, due to the high bending moment
            of inertia. After roughly 50 mm impactor   FIGURE 4 Validation of the wood-based side impact beam: comparison of test and simulation
            way, the honeycomb shall commence   (© WoodCar)
            buckling, and thus gradually reduce the
            height of the side impact beam. In that
            way, the bending side impact beam is   costs and increase of resistance against   phase by reducing component and struc-
            gradually converted to a “tensile cable,”   moisture.               tural mass.
            which mainly can transfer axial loads.
              Wood and wood veneers show a high                                 REFERENCES
                                              LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT
            tensional strength but fail brittle. The                            [1]  Friedrich, E. H. (ed.): Leichtbau in der Fahr-
                                                                                zeug technik. 1 st  edition, Wiesbaden: Springer
            viscose fabric layers shall prevent brittle   Parallel to the technical work on the side
                                                                                Vieweg, 2013
            failure, splintering of the entire beam.   impact beam a Life Cycle Assessment   [2] Braess, H.-H.; Seiffert, U.: Vieweg-Handbuch
            The wood concept side impact beam   (LCA) was conducted in the WoodCar   Kraftfahrzeugtechnik. 7 th  edition, Wiesbaden:
            was quasi-statically and dynamically   research project [10]. The main impact   Springer Vieweg, 2013
                                                                                [3] Duflou, J. R.; Deng, Y.; Van Acker, K.; Dewulf,
            tested for validation, using the devel-  categories that were considered are the
                                                                                W.: Do Fiber-reinforced Polymer Composites Provide
            oped test rig to ensure comparability of   Global Warming Potential (GWP) and   Environmentally Benign Alternatives? A Life-cycle
            different concepts. Testing showed that   the Cumulative Energy Demand (CED).   Assessment-based Study. In: MRS Bulletin 37
            the wood-based demonstrator was able   Two databases were used, namely Sima-  (2012), No. 4, pp. 374-382
                                                                                [4] Herbeck, L.; Lang, M.: Die Industrialisierung der
            to absorb almost the same amount of   Pro and EcoInvent. In the LCA a vehicle
                                                                                Composites-Produktion. Vortrag, 2. VDI-Fachkon-
            kinetic en  ergy as the baseline beam   with a weight of 2000 kg, a life span of   gress Leichtbau für den Automobilbau, Stuttgart,
            made from high strength steel (1845   150.000 km and an internal combustion   July 10, 2012
                                                                                [5] Shah, D. U.: Developing Plant Fibre Composites
            versus 1884 J), FIGURE 3. The current   engine (SI engine) was assumed.
                                                                                for Structural Applications by Optimising Composite
            wood concept side impact beam lacked   The LCA separates between the pro-  Parameters: a Critical Review. In: Journal of Materi-
            the high initial stiffness of the steel-  duction phase, the use phase and the   als Science 48 (2013), No. 18, pp. 6083-6107
            based side impact beam, which in turn   end-of-life stage. The LCA clearly showed   [6] Coquel, M.: Fiber-Patch-Preforming [FPP] Opti-
                                                                                mised CFRP Design and Efficient Production. Vor-
            leads to increased intrusion during the   that the highest proportion of the GWP
                                                                                trag, Innovationstag Composite Simulation, CFK Val-
            test process.                     and the CED are due to the use phase,   ley Stade, May 15, 2014
              Prior to the test, a simulation model    this is while the vehicle is in service.   [7] Faruk, O.; Bledzki, A. K.; Fink, H.-P.; Sain, M.:
            of the demonstrator was created, which   This clearly shows that “natural” materi-  Progress Report on Natural Fiber Reinforced Com-
                                                                                posites. In: Macromolecular Materials and Engineer-
            was found to match remarkably well   als in automotive industry are only “eco-
                                                                                ing 299 (2014), No. 1, pp. 9-26
            with the tests in terms of force-displace-  logic” when they can outperform con-  [8] IPCC: Special Report Global Warming of 1.5 ºC.
            ment response. This good correlation   ventional material in terms of weight.  SR1.5, October 8, 2018, online:,
                                                                                access: September 5, 2019
            between test and simulation provides
                                                                                [9] Jost, T.; Müller, U.; Feist, F.: Holzverbundwerk-
            the basis for further development of the                            stoffe im Automobilbau der Zukunft? – Grund-
            demonstrator in a FE simulation environ-                            voraussetzung: Crashsimulation von Holzkompo-
            ment, FIGURE 4. [9]               In summary, the use case side impact   nenten. In: Konstruktion, 2018, No. 10, pp. 74-82
                                                                                [10] WoodCar (Wood – Computer Aided Research):
              The use-case study is limited to    beam shows that statically and dynami-
                                                                                Motivation and Goals. Online:
            the side-impact load cases, mentioned   cally highly loaded components made of   motivation.html, access: September 20, 2019
            before. The premise of these use-cases   wood composites can be produced with
            was to proof that a wood-based side   low mass and the same energy absorp-
            impact beam can be heavily deformed,   tion capability. Furthermore, it rep-
            without facture and thus without injury   resents that the predictive ability of the
            risk for the occupants due to splinters,   developed virtual methods and models
            allowing for high tensional strength at   of wood concept components is very
            the later stage of tests, in order to finally   good in static and crash load cases.
            absorb a similar amount of energy as the   Wood as a design material can con-
            baseline model and at a total weight of   tribute to meet ecologic and social aims.   THANKS
            1000 g. As for now, these challenges are   It can help in reducing the CO 2  footprint
            all met. On  going research and develop-  through storage and substitution effects.   The authors would like to thank the Austrian Promotion
            ment work will address the following   Furthermore, as a lightweight design   Agency (FFG), the Styrian Business Promotion (SFG)
            issues: increase of initial stiffness in the   material, wood can contribute to further   and the Standortagentur Tirol for the financial support
            de  monstrator, reduction of production   avoidance of CO 2  emissions during use   of the WoodCar project (project No. 861.421).
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