Page 62 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 62


                                                                              data protection aspects can be handled
                                                                              analogously to the established forensic
                                                                              process. The data scope and the relevant
                                                                              technical and legal measures still need
                                                                              to be defined.

                                                                              The new applications, and in particular
                                                                              safety-critical systems such as the usage
                                                                              authorization systems for connected
                                                                              vehicles, must be developed to be tam-
                                                                              per-proof in order to guarantee the safety
                                                                              of the entire system in the road traffic.
                                                                              The RCAR standard initiated by the AZT
                                                                              is not a requirement specification for the
                                                                              development of innovative vehicle sys-
                                                                              tems, but rather a technical guideline for
                                                                              the implementation of connected and
          FIGURE 4 Every reported theft must be made plausible by the insurers (© AZT)  security-critical access systems, which
                                                                              contains essential aspects from the
                                                                              insurer’s point of view and for the pro-
                                                                              tection of users requiring a standard-
          tection point of view. Therefore the    the information that a virtual key for the   ized, manufacturer-independent and
          customer and the insurance industry   affected vehicle type is offered as stan-  transparent forensic process.
          depend on the support of the car manu-  dard and used widely.
          facturers. In order to be able to exclude   Allianz Versicherungs-AG has al -  REFERENCES
          cases of fraud, the insurer needs clear   ready taken the first step in this direc-  [1]  BSI: Technische Richtlinien des Bundesamtes
                                                                              für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik. Online:
          proof that all issued and active keys have   tion by including questions regarding
          been revoked and deactivated in time,   the implementation and usage of virt-  nischeRichtlinien/technischerichtlinien_node.html,
          which means at the latest immediately   ual keys in its claims questionnaire.   access: August 8, 2019
          after the reported theft. For this reason,   This enables the statistical separation    [2] RCAR: Insurers Reducing Vehicle Risk. Online:
                                                                    , access: August 8, 2019
          a trustworthy, transparent and clearly   of claims share with virtual keys from
                                                                              [3] AZT: Anforderungen an Virtuelle Fahrze-
          legible log file is of crucial importance   the total loss and its evaluation. In the   ugschlüssel. Online:
          for the settlement of claims and protects   future, the GDV will also collect the    Resources/Persistent/ccad3495afe578f878aa464b-
          the customer from unjustified suspicion.  virtual vehicle key as a part of data-
                                                                              dard.pdf, access: August 8, 2019
                                            base for the initial classification of
                                                                              [4] Thatcham: Euro NCAP five-star safety rating
                                            new models, FIGURE 4.             system. Online:
                                                                              we-do/testing, access: August 8, 2019
                                                                              [5] Car Connectivity Consortium: Digital Key.
          The Association of the German Insur-
                                            DATA PROTECTION                   Online:,
          ance Industry (GDV) calculates the                                  access: August 8, 2019
          annual claims cost for the approximately   Customer-related data collection in the
          28,000 statistically recorded vehicle   event of a claim and forensic claims pro-
          models on the basis of the insurers’   cessing explicitly affect the aspects of
          claims data. This database is used to cal-  the Basic Data Protection Ordinance. In
          culate tariff-relevant – risk-minimizing   May, 2018, the GDV published a special
          and risk-maximizing – characteristics,   letter on data access for connected vehi-
          which are then used to calculate the   cles. There is a common understanding
          insurers’ tariffs. Nevertheless, insurers   between the GDV and the VDA that the
          are ongoing facing the challenge of pric-  insurance industry is treated equally
          ing their products according to risk.  with the car manufacturers regarding
           Experience has shown that a notice-  personal data. The personal data can be
          able increase in the claims cost for a   forwarded by the manufacturer to the
          vehicle type over several years indicates   affected insurer if the consumer has
          a possible weakness in the design and   given his consent.
          can lead to an increase in the type class.   As part of the obligation to cooperate
          However, an increased theft rate does   during the clarification of claims, the
          not clearly indicate a malfunction in the   vehicle owner authorizes the insurer
          implementation of virtual vehicle key.   already today to obtain data from the car
          This requires further analyses and first   manufacturer. With the virtual key, the
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