Page 52 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 52


          FIGURE 3 Function-specific parameters: during high-temperature storage (left), after environmental loads (right) (LSB = Least Significant Bit) (© Bosch)

          SECONDARY FEATURE                 from glass fiber reinforced polymer   ponents differ signi ficantly, see max-
          DAMAGE MONITORING                 (GFRP) were used. GFRP is transpar-  ima with increased spectral compo-
                                            ent and the dimension of damage is   nents, FIGURE 5 (right). The position
          The third investigation focus deals    clearly identifiable.         (frequency) is comparable between
          with the damage monitoring as a sec-  The reference comparison is based    the signal of the undamaged and the
          ondary feature of the integrated acce-  on a systematic signal analysis [6].    damaged demonstra tor. A clear differ-
          leration sensor. The methodology    For this purpose, the time signals are   ence shows the magnitude of the sec-
          is based on a reference comparison.    transformed to the frequency domain.   ond maximum. After the introduced
          The signal of the structure in the ini-  The condition change of a structure   damage it is increased by +17 %.
          tial state represents the reference sys-  changes its vibration behavior. This   The first maximum remains unchanged
          tem. The signal after an event is the   possibly manifests itself more signifi-  by the structural damage.
          comparative system. Significant differ-  cant in the frequency spectrum of the   The different effects at the max-
          ences between the systems mean a con-  sensor signal.               ima which the damage causes, are
          dition change. This indicates damage.  FIGURE 5 shows the acceleration    based on the vibration behavior of
           By the test concept, initially the refer-  signals as a response to the test vibra-  the demonstrator. A modal analysis
          ence signal is recorded. For this pur-  tion in the time domain as well as the   by FEM states this [6], FIGURE 6. The
          pose, the demonstrator was put into a   envelope curves of the spectral compo-  position of the first maximum corre-
          test vibration by a fall impulse, FIGURE 4   nents in the frequency domain. The sig-  sponds to the first torsion mode of
          (right). The comparative signal was   nals in the time domain are identical   the demonstrator, FIGURE 6 (left).
          recorded after a defined damage of the   within the accuracy of measurement   The position of the second maxi-
          demonstrator, FIGURE 4 (left). To con-  despite the different structural condi-  mum corresponds to the first bend-
          firm a damage indicated by the refer-  tions, FIGURE 5 (left). In contrast, the   ing mode, FIGURE 6 (right). For both
          ence comparison, demonstrators made   envelope curves of the spectral com-  modes, the distribution of the maxi-

          FIGURE 4 Damaged demonstrator (left), test concept of reference comparison (right) (© Bosch)
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