Page 51 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 51

Sensor housing

                                                                        Sensor module
                                                                          bonded to
                                                                        flexible carrier         Printed interface for
                                                                                                  sensor module

                                         Threat bolt

                  Connector                                                  Printed interface
                  interface  Sensor module                                    for periphery
            FIGURE 1 Automotive acceleration sensor (left), sensor device (right) (© Bosch)

            threat bolt. The sensor module is    For the study, sensor-integrated structural   ing on the load case. In general, the
            positioned and contacted inside    plates were manufactured by Resin Trans-  integrated SD reduces the achievable
            the housing.                      fer Molding. The SD was integrated into   fiber volume compared to a simple struc-
              For the integration the packaging of   the mid-plane of a symmetrical laminate   ture of same thickness. This changes
            the acceleration sensor is changed, in the   setup, FIGURE 2 (left). A special tool tech-  the mechanical performance per se.
            following denoted as Sensor Device (SD),   nology allows a concealed installation of
            FIGURE 1 (right). The SD consists of a   the sensor for structural plates with dou-
                                                                                PRIMARY FUNCTION
            0.1-mm-thick flexible circuit carrier,    ble-sided even surfaces, FIGURE 2 (right).
                                                                                ACCELERATION MEASUREMENT
            with an interface for the sensor module   As a starting point of the study, it
            and an interface for the connection    was evaluated, whether the transfer    The second investigation focus con-
            to the periphery. The sensor module    of the sensor to an integrated part of a   cerned the functional analysis of the
            is applied to the carrier by adhesive   FRP structure is principally possible.    integrated SD. During current operation,
            bonding, which avoids a wiring. The   In addition, the integration quality of    the sensor measures the acceleration
            data transfer takes place by printed    the sensor-integrated structural plates   during a collision.
            circuits. For the integration, the SD    was examined [4].            With demonstrators of CFRP, func-
            has several advantages:             A first investigation focus was the   tion-specific parameters of the sensing
               – The sensor module is positioned    mechanics of the sensor-integrated    were examined for error patterns [5].
              and fixed precisely inside the    structures. Specimens made from Car-  For this purpose, the demonstrators
              structure by the flex carrier.   bon Fiber-reinforced Polymers (CFRP)   were operated over the standard tem-
               – The flex carrier can follow    were used. CFRP suits in particular for   perature range. The tests were done
              complex component shapes.       loadbearing vehicle structures.   for new parts and after environmen-
               – The SD is clearly smaller than    The results show that the integrated   tal loads.
              the current sensor and several    SD partly influences the load transfer    FIGURE 3 shows exemplarily the influ-
              sensor modules can be applied    of the structure. The mechanical per-  ence of the applied environmental loads
              to one flex carrier.             formance is raised or reduced depend-  on single parameters. In static sensor
                                                                                operation during the high temperature
                                                                                storage, the parameters show the typical
                                                                                behavior within the permissible toler-
                                                                                ance range, FIGURE 3 (left). In dynamic
                                                                                sensor operation after applied environ-
                                                                                mental loads the sensor sensitivity is
                                                                                picked out, FIGURE 3 (right). Differences
                                                                                to the new part appear after temperature
                                                                                changes and humidity. An excess of
                                                                                the tolerance limits is still not given.
                                                                                  All together, the demonstrators
                                                                                reveal no function-specific error pat-
                                                                                terns. Nevertheless, for the evidence
                                                                                of the unlimited functionality for the
                                                                                passive vehicle safety this must be
            FIGURE 2 Laminate setup (left), sensor-integrated FRP structure (right) (© Bosch)  validated comprehensively.
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