Page 46 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 46
suming vacuum pumps to generate the the vehicle is adjusted by modifying trigger braking in advance, such as
necessary negative pressure. The IBC the virtual transmission ratio of the speed bumps, and to counteract motion
therefore weighs approximately 5 kg less steering system at the front and rear with the active shock absorbers.
than other designs. It is also responsible axle. This increases the agility of the – Flying Carpet 2.0: This function identi-
for recuperation for hybrid and electric vehicle at moderate speeds. fies uneven areas on the roadway via
vehicles by providing fully blended brak- – Corner Feel Shaping: This function the front camera, travel sensors, and
ing. During automatic emergency brak- increases occupant comfort via longitu- accelerometers, and actively counters
ing, the IBC performs vehicle decelera- dinal, transverse, and vertical dynamic the vehicle’s body movement. This prac-
tion of up to 1 g in less than 150 ms components that minimize the roll tically spares the entire passenger area
thanks to the design of the two-way pis- angle and rolling motions of the car from potholes, road bumps, tight curves,
ton. For automated driving, the integra- body when going around a curve. and abrupt braking maneuvers, and
tion of a second module (Secondary – Safe Lane Changing: The rear axle therefore increases occupant comfort,
Brake Module, SBM) primes the brake steering and shock system, in conjunc- FIGURE 3.
system so that the vehicle can safely tion with the IBC, prevent potentially – Easy Coupling: The rear-view camera
decelerate in the event of a failure of the dangerous yawing and rolling motions detects when the vehicle wants to
IBC. The combination of these integral when changing lanes on slippery or maneuver onto a trailer. The damping
chassis components with the central wet roadways, which could cause the lowers the vehicle as it approaches the
control algorithm enables the test vehicle vehicle to swerve. trailer hitch, and raises it when it is in
to react to nearly any driving situation in – Easy Ticketing: The rear axle steering the correct position.
an optimal way. reinforces the steering angles of the
driver at low speeds of under 5 km/h.
In addition, the vehicle knows when it
is at a toll station or parking meter in As the next step, ZF plans to implement a
an underground parking lot or parking plug-and-play approach. The systems are
ZF engineers have devised seven exem- garage thanks to the camera and GPS. scalable and modular, and can therefore
plary functions for the innovation vehi- The vehicle’s sMotion damping moves be individually adjusted to the require-
cle that show the capabilities of the chas- the vehicle to the ideal height for the ments of automotive manufacturers. Re -
sis concept. These functions are trig- driver to take their ticket from the gardless, the predictive chassis concept
gered by means of a trajectory based on machine. can be expanded via two approaches: a
either GPS data and digital map material – Pitch/Brake Compensation: The brake vehicle-focused approach with the aid of
or on information from the sensor sys- and shock systems work in tandem to AI-enabled control units, and an occu-
tem, and is processed in real time: compensate for pitching of the car body pant-focused approach via the use of inte-
– Track Preview: The system recognizes during braking, thereby enhancing rior sensors, among others.
city signs and other road signs via a occupant comfort. This function can The vehicle-focused approach, for
front camera. When driving into a city, potentially be connected to the front example, could be made possible by
for example, the steering sensitivity of camera in order to identify objects that application of the ZF ProAI RoboThink.
Its performance – 600 Tera-OPS or 600
trillion operations per second – allows
the regulation algorithm to process data
from the sensors, cloud-based input, and
car-to-x communication in real time. The
predictive chassis concept would there-
fore also be able to safely operate self-
driving cars from level 4 and up in pub-
lic transportation. The required ADAS
interfaces are already available in the
test vehicle.
With the occupant-focused approach,
ZF anticipates new forms of mobility in
the age of automated and fully automated
driving. While sitting at the wheel, notice-
able chassis motions provide important
feedback to help steer the vehicle.
However, if attention is not kept on
the road, car body movements seriously
impair driving comfort. According to
studies, 60 % of all passengers already
suffer from dizziness, cephalalgia, and
nausea – all related to travel sickness.
FIGURE 3 The predictive chassis concept is capable of balancing out uneven areas on the roadway (© ZF) Nine out of ten passengers will experi-