Page 43 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 43

Mahle | Modular Hybrid Drive                                 CONFERENCES THAT COULD INTEREST YOU:

                         Mahle has developed a modular hybrid drive that can be tailored to
                                   suit a wide range of vehicle applications. The Mahle   UPCOMING CONFERENCES
                                      Modular Hybrid Powertrain (MMHP) is a fully
                                        integrated plug-in hybrid drive that incorpo-
                                                                                   Electrified Mobility
                                        rates a two- or three-cylinder turbocharged
                                                                                   November 12 and 13, 2019 |
                                         gasoline engine. It has several advantages
                                                                                   Mannheim, Germany
                                             over established hybrid technologies.
                                               It is more cost-effective, more
                                                                                   Grid Integration of
                                                 compact, and lighter in weight.
                                                                                   Electric Mobility
                                                  The performance of the elec-
                                                  tric powertrain used in the      November 12 and 13, 2019 |
                                                  MMHP reduces the demands         Mannheim, Germany
         © Mahle                                  which has allowed a low-cost     Vehicles of Tomorrow
                                                  on the combustion engine,
                                                Dedicated Hybrid Engine (DHE)      November 19 and 20, 2019 |
                                               to be developed. The engine con-    Frankfurt/Main, Germany
                                           cept has been designed exclusively for
                                         hybrid applications and benefits from the   Heavy-Duty, On- and
                                latest innovations in the passive Mahle Jet Ignition (MJI)   Off-Highway Engines
                system. This consists of a small pre-chamber with a conventional spark plug which   November 26 and 27, 2019 |
               is built into the engine’s combustion chamber. It generates hot radical jets that create   Friedrichshafen, Germany
               a very short combustion event within the cylinder.
                                                                                   The Powertrain of Tomorrow
                                                                                   January 22 and 23, 2020 |
                                                                                   Hanau near Frankfurt/Main, Germany
                                                                                   7  International Engine Congress
                                                                                   February 18 and 19, 2020 |
                                                                                   Baden-Baden, Germany
                                                                                   Automated Driving
                                                                                   March 31 and April 1, 2020 |
                                                                                   Wiesbaden, Germany
                                                                                   June 23 and 24, 2020 |
                                                                                   Munich, Germany

           © Bosch

                   Bosch | Video Camera with

            Robust Object Recognition

            Cars must be able to see their surroundings in order to provide automatic emergency braking
              functions and automated driving capabilities. In addition, they must be able to detect very quickly
            whether or not an object is relevant to them and their driving strategy. Just as quickly, they have
            to determine what their reaction to relevant objects should be. Should they brake, swerve, or
            drive over the object? The new Bosch MPC3 mono video camera has been designed to meet these
            requirements. The main strength of the new technology lies in its robust object recognition. For
            example, it can reliably detect if the edge of the road is passable, even in the absence of road
                                                                                       MORE INFORMATION AT
            markings, and it can identify hidden pedestrians. It can also be used in conjunction with auto-
            matic emergency braking systems to prevent vehicles from hitting different types of animals.
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