Page 44 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 44


          Predictive Chassis Concept

          for Passenger Cars

          © ZF

          The chassis has consistently played a key role in the future of the
          automobile. End customers want a dynamic driving experience without
          forgoing dependability. However, at the same time, automated functions
          increase demand for comfort, which car manufacturers and suppliers
          must in turn satisfy. Individual components can no longer satisfy these
          varied tasks alone. ZF therefore relies on the optimized combination of
          chassis systems.

          CONCEPT AND COMPONENTS            pending on the driving situation, this   tive actuators. It can be installed in a
                                            increases security and occupant comfort,   central control unit as well as in individ-
          ZF formed its own Vehicle Motion Con-  and also relieves the driver, especially in   ual system domains. The ZF regulation
          trol strategy and research field, which   city traffic.               algorithm receives sensor and status sig-
          integrates smart chassis and drive com-  The technical basis for these features   nals from the individual components,
          ponents as well as intelligent mechatron-  lies in the intelligent combination of var-  reconciles them with each other, and
          ics and completely networked chassis   ious active and semi-active systems that   then formulates cohesive instructions
          systems. Its potential is demonstrated    predictively identify and iron out adverse   accordingly. The greatest challenge was
          by the group’s newly developed innova-  movements of the vehicle body. A spe-  posed by the transmission ratio of the
          tion vehicle. The vehicle features a pre-  cially developed regulation algorithm   signals issued by the individual compo-
          dictive passenger car concept that main-  forms the central switchboard for this   nents. As a result, calibration of the
          tains full control over all longitudinal,   smart chassis technology, which links   interfaces was time-intensive. Communi-
          transverse, and vertical movements. De -  and coordinates all active and semi-ac-  cation between the individual compo-
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