Page 41 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 41

© Fraunhofer IWM

                    Fraunhofer IWM | Lightweight Composite

            Materials for Injection-molded Components

            Polyethylene (PE) is potentially an ideal material for lightweight structures.    manufacturer LyondellBasell, have now produced and validated a robust com-
            It is energy-efficient, can be produced from renewable raw materials, and    posite made entirely of PE. The special feature of this new material is that the
            can be recycled leaving hardly any residues. However, only PE components that   reinforcing fiber structures are also made of PE and can be formed during the
            are reinforced with carbon or glass fiber, for example, to produce composite   injection molding process. The next stage of the project involves processing
            materials are genuinely mechanically resilient. Researchers at the Fraunhofer   the material using a 3-D printer. Previously, the positive properties of all-PE
            Institute for Mechanics of Materials (IWM), MicroTribology Centrum μTC, in   composites could only be achieved if the polymers were oriented when they
            cooperation with the Freiburg Materials Research Center and the polyolefin   were injected into a narrow mold.

           © Vacuumschmelze                  © TDK                             © Volvo

                     Vacuumschmelze |                  TDK |                             Volvo |
              Compact Filter Chokes             New Range of                      Mild Hybrid Gasoline

              for 48-V Systems                  Power Inductors                   Engine System

              New electrical components such as inverters   TDK has added to its line-up of metal core   For the first time, Volvo is equipping its gaso-
              and DC/DC converters are needed to ensure   power inductors: The new SPM-VT series is   line engine models with a 48-V mild hybrid
              that the hybridization process can be both   designed especially for the high thermal   system. The Swedish company is launching
              fast and cost-effective. One of the main   requirements and high current levels of   its new program with two electrified versions
                challenges facing the designers of inverters    automotive LED headlights. These wire-  of the XC90. Other models and engine vari-
              is the very limited space available. The highly   wound power inductors feature both    ants will follow. The less powerful system,
              compact filter chokes developed by Vacuum-  a broad operating temperature range from    which is known as the B5 and produces maxi-
              schmelze are the ideal solution to this prob-  -55 to +155 °C and high rated currents from   mum power of 184 kW, will be available in
              lem. The chokes have powder pot cores and a   4.7 to 36.6 A, depending on their type. The   November 2019. This will be followed in Feb-
              very low leakage inductance, which results in   new components comply with AEC-Q200 and   ruary 2020 by the B6 with 228 kW. The hybrid
              good EMC behavior. They can operate briefly   are initially available in three sizes. Their   drive consists of a 2-l turbo charged gasoline
              at up to 300 A (peak) and at ambient tem-  rated inductances range from 1 to 47 μH,   engine, an integrated starter generator, a
              peratures up to 150 °C.           depending on the type. The company will   48-V electrical system, and a brake energy
                                                expand the offering of its SPM power induc-  recuperation function.
                                                tors furthermore.

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