Page 37 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 37

the shaft and bushing move relative to   While it sounds simple in hindsight,   the innovative PTFE and spring steel
            each other and, as the car vibrates, the   developing this PTFE coated tolerance   solution shows greatly reduced push/
            shaft can repeatedly rattle around inside   ring SprinGlide, but this material com-  pull forces that are consistent across the
            the bushing. Plastic bushings and other   bination has to be studied at great   tolerance range. Additionally, compared
            bushings that offer little compliance   length to prove the concept. Tests per-  to the injection molded plastic system
            have to be designed with a clearance or   formed by Saint-Gobain in the USA   which often has a low quality feel, PTFE
            one-for-one fit. Therefore, avoiding rattle   show the force required operating an   and spring steel combined significantly
            noise is not always a possibility with   interior sliding system at the minimum,   reduces the stick-slip friction effect, or
            these solutions.                  nominal and maximum clearance con-  breakaway force, allowing for a higher
              This issue is worsened because less   ditions expected from a typical manu-  quality feel.
            compliant materials, such as injection   facturing tolerance range, FIGURE 4.   Further tests have shown that when
            molded plastics, create more noise than   Whereas the currently often used injec-  the SprinGlide sliding system was
            softer materials such as PTFE. The PTFE   tion molded plastic possibility has   vibrated front-back and left-right, there
            layer in bushings, if not too thin, offer a   higher forces that are less consistent,   was a decrease in rattle noise of about
            degree of damping which, if rattle were to
            occur, reduces the noise level. This rattle
            damping effect is shown in FIGURE 3.
            Here, different bushings were deliber-  25
            ately placed into 2-mm clearance con-          Plastic bushing, competitor
            ditions to be able to measure the result-      Norglide T050CG
            ing noise generation. The right choice
            of bushing can offer up to a 10 dB(A)
            noise reduction over a conventional    15
            plastic bushing in this situation.
            In this partic ular test, the Norglide    Torque [Nm]
            M075GG PTFE bushing improved the       10
            most, with 53 dB(A) in comparison
            to the conventional plastic bushing’s
            63 dB(A).                               5

                                                     0.02   0.00    -0.02   -0.04   -0.06  -0.08   -0.10   -0.12
            There are several optimization options
            for design engineers. One way to ensure
                                                                            Clearance [mm]
            clearance-free properties with consis-
                                              FIGURE 2 The Norglide PTFE bushings perform consistently over a wide range of dimensions when com-
            tently low forces is the use of a spring
                                              pared to competing solutions; their sliding layer compensates for manufacturing tolerances of the mating
            steel. This material is used in tolerance   components, ensuring a consistently smooth adjustment feel when adjusting the seat (© Saint-Gobain)
            rings, where the spring-like properties
            are used to compensate manufacturing
            tolerances so the radial forces remain
            constant. However, this tolerance ring is
            not low friction in nature and is gener-
            ally employed as a radial fastener, fixing
            the mating components together.
              There is a simple but genius solution   55
            to this issue: Adding a PTFE sliding layer
            to one side of the spring steel will pro-  Rattle noise [dB(A)]
            vide the low friction surface that design   50
            engineers need. The PTFE layer on the
            tolerance ring has the added bonus of
            eliminating the need for lubrication
            and ensures that the part will last for
            the life of the vehicle. This combination,
            developed by Saint-Gobain as Sprin-
            Glide, brings together consistent force
                                                          Norglide      Norglide       Norglide      Plastic
            throughout the mating component toler-
                                                          SM075E        M075GG        X2T100CG       bushing
            ance ranges and a low coefficient of fric-
                                              FIGURE 3 Reduction of rattling noise when using different materials – three Norglide PTFE bushings and
            tion to ensure smooth and easy adjust-  a conventional plastic bushing were tested; the bar shows the rattle noise generated at 2 mm clearance,
            ment without rattle noise.        with a 20-Hz excitation frequency at 40 m/s² acceleration (© Saint-Gobain)
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