Page 38 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 38


                             Push/pull forces at 0° misalignment              between the two sliding speeds. This
             450     Current possibility ‒ minimum clearance   SprinGlide solution ‒ minimal clearance   is recorded with only a minor increase
                     Current possibility ‒ nominal clearance   SprinGlide solution ‒ nominal clearance   in friction forces at higher speeds. The
                     Current possibility ‒ maximum clearance   SprinGlide solution ‒ maximum clearance   injection molded plastic solution, how-
             250                                                              ever, again shows higher sliding force in
                                                                              both dry and lubricated (wet) conditions,
           Push/pull force [N]  -50                                           as well as high stick-slip friction. For
                                                                              customers a high sliding force means
                                                                              high effort required operating the seat-
                                                                              ing adjustment mechanisms. A high
                                                                              stick-slip means a clunky, low quality
                                                                               The combination of PTFE and spring
             -350                                                             steel delivers a clearance-free bearing,
             -450                                                             which reduces rattle noise, while main-
                 0        100        200       300        400       500       taining consistently low friction through-
                                                                              out typical tolerance ranges. This notice-
                                       Extension [mm]
                                                                              ably improves the quality perception of
          FIGURE 4 Push/pull forces, having an effect on an interior sliding system for the minimum, nominal and
          maximum clearance; the SprinGlide PTFE and spring steel solution significantly reduces the required   the interior systems which use the tech-
          operating forces and allows for a higher quality feel for a travel between 0 to 500 mm – compared to   nology, for instance seats, as they elimi-
          a current plastic injection molding possibility (© Saint-Gobain)    nate the stick-slip friction that is associ-
                                                                              ated with low quality bearings. With this
                                                                              combination, design engineers no longer
                       Injection moulded plastic  PTFE and spring steel
                                                                              have to face the dilemma of high friction
                                                                              variation or rattle noise. And, without
               60                                                             the need for lubrication, overall system
                                                                              costs and complexity of assembly can
             Rattle noise [dB(A)]   40                                        MAKING QUIET FUTURE
                                                                              both be reduced as well.

                                                                              A REALITY
                                                                              may seem less important at first glance
                                                                              as their impact on driver and passenger
               10                                                             Bearing solutions for passenger seats
                                                                              comfort in the vehicle of the future is not
                0                                                             obvious, FIGURE 7. But the seemingly
                      10 m/s²       5 m/s²        10 m/s²       5 m/s²
                                                                              insignificant component “bearing bush-
                      10-70 Hz     70-200 Hz     10-70 Hz      70-200 Hz      ing” can greatly reduce the perceived
                                                                              quality of a vehicle, adds stress for the
                            Front-back                  Left-right
                                                                              driver and might ultimately even affect
          FIGURE 5 Measurement of rattle noise from two sliding systems; one system fitted with the injection   future purchasing decisions negatively.
          molded plastic and another system retrofitted with the SprinGlide PTFE and spring steel solution; the sys-
          tems were tested by vibrating it in both the front-back and left-right directions; both tests with 10 m/s²   Anyone who has ever heard a mysterious
          showing an 8-dB(A) reduction at low frequencies for the PTFE and spring steel solution (© Saint-Gobain)  rattle while driving can confirm that.
                                                                               Therefore, bearing bushing design
                                                                              requires the same attention as the con-
                                                                              struction of the crash-proof seat frame,
          8 dB(A) for the PTFE and spring steel   OPERABILITY OF INTERIOR     in order to avoid any unnecessary harm
          solution at low frequencies and a smaller   ELEMENTS – IMPROVING     to the driving experience. The tests
          decrease at high frequencies, FIGURE 5.   USER EXPERIENCE           described here, targeted complete seat-
          An 8-dB(A) increase in sound pressure                               ing systems, not just bushings, and
          level is perceived as about 70 % louder.   Last but not least, Saint-Gobain’s design   ensured that overall quality can be opti-
          As the new PTFE coated spring steel   engineers performed tests on the consis-  mized. Especially with the increased
          solution minimizes such rattle, it can   tency of sliding force at two different   number of seat designs in autonomous
          reduce the overall rattle noise signifi-  sliding speeds (5 and 25 mm/s, both   vehicles or the new demands on the
          cantly. This translates to a quieter vehi-  with and without lubricant ECL 429,    adjustment mechanisms in the context of
          cle interior, ensuring that passengers in   dry/wet). The results, shown in FIGURE 6,   car sharing, such bearings solutions are
          the ever-evolving car of the future will   reveal that both the PTFE and spring   becoming increasingly important. This
          not notice rattle noises that are currently   steel solution and the injection molded   enables vehicle manufacturers to give
          masked by louder combustion engines.  plastic possibility are fairly consistent   the millennials the high-quality look and
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