Page 42 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 42


                Visteon |

          Validating Autonomous
          Driving Systems

          Visteon is participating with 22 partners in
          a research project aimed at developing legal,
          time-saving, cost-effective validation methods
          for fully automated and autonomous driving func-
          tions (SAE levels 4 and 5). These driving functions
          are expected to play a key role in future mobility
          solutions. The aim is to jointly develop a method
          for validating driving simulations in order to pro-
          duce a reliable test environment. Visteon is sup-
          porting this project in a number of areas, including
          with its modular, flexible DriveCore solution. The
          system is based on an open hardware and software
          platform and consists of three elements. With
          Compute, Runtime, and Studio, all the require-
          ments of the test project can be evaluated in order
          to confirm that the simulated validation has been
          tested efficiently and the amount of real-life test-                                                  © Visteon
          ing can be reduced.

         © ElringKlinger                   © Hella                           © BorgWarner

                  ElringKlinger |                   Hella |                           BorgWarner |

           PEM Fuel Cell                     Battery System for                AWD Coupling with

           ElringKlinger has announced a low-tempera-  Mild Hybrids            Integrated Electronics
           ture fuel cell stack based on metallic bipolar
                                             Hella has developed two battery module solu-  The latest generation of BorgWarner’s All-
           plates. The liquid-cooled PEM fuel cell stack
           NM12 is suitable for automotive and com-  tions for 48-V mild hybrid vehicles. The com-  wheel Drive (AWD) coupling has a compact
                                             pact battery management system Dual-Volt-  brushless direct current motor and fully inte-
           mercial vehicle applications and has a high
                                             age is suitable for the compact and mid-  grated electronics. The actuator unit is 15 %
           power density and an electrical output of up
                                             range segment. A 48-V and a 12-V battery   lighter than a conventional AWD coupling.
           to 135 kW. The fuel cell systems integrate
                                             both based on lithium-ion technology and a   At the heart of the coupling is a centrifugally
           stack, hydrogen and air supplies, cooling
                                             DC/DC voltage converter are integrated into a   controlled piston pump with six pistons that
           and power electronics with a control panel
                                             package space the size of a conventional lead   creates and controls hydraulic pressure in the
           in a single package. The company uses its
           vehicle demonstrator to showcase the fuel   acid battery. The 48-V Power-Pack was devel-  system. The pre-emptive AWD coupling oper-
                                             oped for vehicles in the higher power classes   ates independently of the differential speed
           cell, its corresponding battery, and an elec-
                                             and combines a 48-V lithium-ion battery   of the two axles and provides locking torque,
           tric drive unit.
                                             including battery management and DC/DC   depending on the road conditions and the
                                             converter. Keeping the 12-V battery enables   vehicle load distribution.
                                             hybrid functions such as recuperation, active
                                             coasting and other comfort functions such as
                                             climate control and active chassis.
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