Page 45 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 45


                      Dr. Christoph Elbers         Markus Zeitter           Manfred Meyer               Thilo Bitzer
                 is Vice President Car Chassis    is Project Manager Innovation    is Senior Vice President of    is Senior Vice President Steering
              Technology at ZF Friedrichshafen   Vehicle 2019 for Vehicle Motion   Engineering Active Safety Systems   Engineering at ZF Friedrichshafen
                  AG in Dielingen (Germany).  Control at ZF Friedrichshafen AG in   at ZF Friedrichshafen AG in    AG in Düsseldorf (Germany).
                                            Friedrichshafen (Germany).    Koblenz (Germany).

            nents in the innovation vehicle is han-  the system steers the front and rear   electric motor and pump unit with inte-
            dled by the existing CAN bus system,    wheels in the same direction to provide   grated electronics that works as a bidi-
            a private CAN that links the newly   greater directional stability.  rectional actuator. They can pull each
            installed components, and Ethernet    Additional advantages of transverse   wheel upward or push it downward,
            CAN connections.                  dynamics derive from the use of a steer-  individually and actively. In this way,
              mStars (modular Semi-trailing arm   by-wire steering system, FIGURE 1. Since   sMotion effectively counteracts motions
            rear suspension) is a modular rear axle   in this case the steering wheel and front   with a frequency of up to 5 Hz. This
            system and a central component of the   axle are not mechanically coupled, the   includes all pitching, rolling, and vertical
            chassis concept that makes it possible to   steering transmission can be freely   movements that can occur when setting
            connect to electric axle drives as well as   adjusted based on the driving condition,   off, braking, during steering maneuvers,
            hybrid and internal combustion engines.   or even a corrective action to the wheels   or when driving over bumps in the road.
            It therefore satisfies the demand of auto-  that is independent of the driver can be   For example, when used in conjunction
            motive manufacturers for flexible plat-  made. This offers new degrees of free-  with AKC, sMotion prevents back end
            form strategies. The ZF test vehicle inte-  dom for chassis control.  power slides on tight bends, even before
            grates the Active Kinematics Control    The vertical dynamics control the   the ZF brake control system puts the
            (AKC) rear axle steering in mStars for   sMotion fully active damping system,   vehicle back on track.
            more control over the transverse dynam-  which uses four actuators to adapt the   The active brake-by-wire system
            ics. At low vehicle speeds, this makes it   suspension movements of each individ-  Integrated Brake Control (IBC) is also
            easier to maneuver by steering the rear   ual wheel to reflect any driving situation   installed, FIGURE 2. Since the IBC is a
            axle in the opposite direction of the front   and all road surface features. sMotion   vacuum-independent, integrated system,
            wheels. If the vehicle is moving faster,   actuators have a very compact, external   it does not require heavy, energy-con-

            FIGURE 1 Cross-dynamic benefits can also be achieved by using a steer-by-wire   FIGURE 2 The active brake-by-wire system Integrated Brake
            steering system (© ZF)                                   Control (IBC) is also installed (© ZF)
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