Page 40 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 40


                Volkswagen | Dual SCR Technology

          Reduces NO  Emissions by 80 %
                                                             Volkswagen has introduced a twin dosing system in its new TDI Evo engines
                                                             to improve the efficiency of the SCR exhaust gas treatment process. This
                                                             involves the use of two SCR catalysts, which reduces NO x  levels by around
                                                             80 % compared with the previous generation of the respective models.
                                                             The first close-coupled SCR catalyst is located between the turbocharger,
                                                              the diesel oxidation catalytic converter, and the flexible connection to the
                                                             silencer pipe. This arrangement means that the necessary exhaust gas tem-
                                                             peratures of 220 to 350 °C can be achieved quickly after a cold start. The sec-
                                                             ond SCR catalytic converter is further away from the engine and the tempera-
                                                             ture can be as much as 100 °C lower, which still allows the system to achieve
         © Volkswagen                                        stream of the SCR system prevents excess ammonia slip. The new system
                                                             very high conversion rates. In addition, a blocking catalytic converter down-

                                                             will be used for the first time in the Passat 2.0 TDI Evo with the 110-kW engine.
                                                             The VW Golf 8 will be fitted with a similar system.

                   Brose | Integrating All Door Functions
            A new generation of Brose door control units will integrate all the door   involve the analysis of sensor data and the transmission of image signals,
            functions from the window regulator to collision protection. This will cut   which push conventional electronics architectures to their limits, because
            costs, save space, and reduce weight and also allow for new functions.   large volumes of data need to be sent and processed without any notice-
            With a simple gesture, the side door will open automatically. A radar    able delay. This is the reason why Brose is developing a new generation of
            sensor will scan the environment to prevent collisions. While the car is    door control units which process all the functions locally in the door. These
            on the move, monitors in the doors will show the image from the side   include innovative approaches such as voice recognition in the vicinity of
              cameras. At the same time, the interior of the car will be quieter because   the vehicle and pre-processing of all the antenna signals that are received.
            the speaker control unit will use active noise canceling to reduce road   The first door control unit of this kind could go into volume production as
            noise and enhance the sound of the infotainment system. The challenges   early as 2025.

           © Brose

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