Page 35 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 35


                                                                                           Alfred Lethbridge, Ph. D. B. Sc.
                                                                                                 is Research Engineer at
                                                                                          Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics
                                                                                                      in Bristol (UK).

                                                                                MILLENIALS ARE CHANGING
                                                                                THE GOAL POSTS

                                                                                Many of the trends – such as shared
                                                                                mobility driving passenger car sharing –
                                                                                are heavily influenced by millennials.
                                                                                This generation is, for example, ques-
                                                                                tioning if it is necessary to possess a
                                                                                vehicle of their own [1] – even though
                                                                                it is expected to reach the destinations
                                                                                without any hassle, on time and, most
                                                                                importantly, comfortably. However,
                                                                                one is confronted with a very different
                                                                                reality each day: getting to work for that
                                                                                9:00 am meeting is a journey often as -
                                                                                sociat  ed with stress and subject to a
                                                                                number of circumstances outside of our
                                                                                control. Research shows that the entire
                                                                                experience can negatively impact one’s
                                                                                health. [2]
                                                                                  As particularly millennials across the
                                                                                globe are more willing than other gener-
                                                                                ations to use car sharing or similar ser-
                                                                                vices already, they are redefining the
                                                                                parameters of the car of the future com-
                                                                                pletely. At the same time, millennials
                                                                                increasingly investing in new vehicles –
                                                                                sometimes even their first of their own.
                                                                                Car manufacturers need to anticipate
                                                                                how such preferences and expectations
                                                                                might influence decisions of this new
                                                                                generation to buy vehicles, as these peo-
                                                                                ple are already solely responsible for
                                                                                growth in North American car sales. [3]
                                                                                  These different expectations raise new
                                                                                challenges for car manufacturers at dif-
                                                                      © Chesky_W | Getty Images | iStock  While small things like USB ports for
                                                                                ferent points in the interior design pro-
                                                                                cess and the devil is often in the details.
                                                                                charging smartphones count toward this,
                                                                                making sure that the driver and his pas-
                                                                                sengers are as comfortable as possible
                                                                                means that two of the most important
                                                                                improvements are how comfortable the

                                                                                scape in the interior is. This is high on
            ATZ worldwide 11|2019                                               seat is, as well as how quiet the sound- 29
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