Page 30 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 30


                                                                                                               © Yanfeng

          “Experiencing the interior is more

          important than owning the car”

          Although the preferences of different cultures are important in the design of an interior, they tend
          to become blurred when it comes to the aspect of quality of life. This is the result of globalization.
          In the ATZ interview, Han Hendriks and Tim Shih answer questions about the newly formed business
          unit Yanfeng Technology, as well as the advantages of the new XiM20 concept study for level-5 auto-
          nomous driving, and how the scent of pine trees can be digitally changed into that of strawberries.

          ATZ _ Han Hendriks and Tim Shih, you have   interior concept. This year however, we    which, in this case, began two years ago.
          invited customers and the press here to   are pursuing a new strategy and are not   For this project, a relatively large survey
          Stuttgart in order to pursue other means    exhibiting in Frankfurt/Main. Instead,   with 2000 persons was carried out.
          of communication without exhibiting at    we are showcasing our new XiM20 vehi-  HENDRIKS _ In our “Quality of Life” test
          the IAA 2019. What innovations are you   cle concept for level-5 automated driving   person study that we carried out on this
            presenting here at Arena2036?   at the Arena2036 start-up and research   trend issue in 2017, we found out that
          SHIH _ Two years ago at the IAA 2017,    campus in Stuttgart. The basis for each   experiencing the interior is more import-
          we were still present with our XiM18   of our studies is a research project   ant than actually owning the car. We are
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