Page 29 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 29


            background of these three main require-                ebm-papst.
            ments of the virtual interior evaluations,
            have positive effects [9].
              There are some particular further
            developments planned to be able to va -                New ideas for the automobile industry at
            lidate the requirements for other use
            cases. One of them is the integration of     
            the Functional Engineering Platform
            (FEP) which is developed at the Volks-
                                                                   For many years we have been in demand as
            wagen group as a standard communi-
            cation platform for data. In the short                   engineering  partners to  manufacturers and system
            future, basic components of the simula-                suppliers in the  automobile and commercial
            tor architecture are supposed to be con-               vehicle fields. Our innovative  ventilation and drive
            nected at FEP to minimize integration
                                                                   solutions contribute to making driving  constantly
            work for future use cases. In the back-
            ground of the complete virtualization,                 more convenient, stress-free and safe.
            there are optimizations at the tracking                You can’t see it. But you can feel it!
            system and the virtual human represen-
            tation planned with the scope at HMI
            studies. Another central part will be
            the advancement of the motion cueing
            algorithm in relation to the variable
            seat position.

            [1]  Wiedemann, M. E. W.: Validierung der Fahrsimu-
            lation für das Erleben und Beurteilen fahrdyna-
            mischer Eigenschaften. Munich, Technical Univer-
            sity, doctoral dissertation, 2016
            [2] Curry, R.; Artz, B.; Cathey, L.; Grant, P.; Green-
            berg, J.: Kennedy SSQ Results: Fixed vs. Motion-
            Base Ford Simulators. In: proceedings, Driving Sim-
            ulation Conference, Paris, 2002, Driving Simulation
            Association, pp. 289–299
            [3] Bittner, A. C. J.; Gore, B. F.; Hooey, B. L.: Mean-
            ingful Assessments of Simulator Performance and
            Sickness: Can’t Have One without the Other?
            In: Proceedings, 41 st  Human Factors and Ergonom-
            ics Society Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, 1997,
            pp. 1089–1093
            [4] Riedl, M.: Potential eines virtuellen Fahrer-
            platzmodells in der Fahrzeugkonzeptentwicklung.
            Munich, Technical University, doctoral dissertation,
            [5] Zeeb, E.: Daimler´s New Full-Scale, High-dy-
            namic Driving Simulator – A Technical Overview. In:
            Proceedings, Driving Simulation Conference, Paris,
            2010, Driving Simulation Association, pp. 157–167
            [6] Blissing, B.; Bruzelius, F.; Eriksson, O.: Driver
            behavior in mixed and virtual reality – a comparative
            study. In: Proceedings of the Driving Simulation
            Conference, Paris, 2016, Driving Simulation Asso-
            ciation, pp. 179–186
            [7] Hartfiel, B.; Buchholz, C.; Fresemann, C.;
            Tomaszek-Staude, W.; Stark, R.: Use-Case orien-
            tierte Gestaltungsempfehlungen für Fahrsimulatoren
            zur menschzentrierten Absicherung von Sicher-
            heits- und Komfortfunktionen. In: VDI-Berichte Nr.
            2333 (2018), pp. 655–669
            [8] E2M Technologies: Product Specification Sheet
            eM6-300-1500. Amsterdam, 2015, online: https://
            access: August 23, 2019
            [9] Hartfiel, B.; Stark, R.: Influence of vestibular
            cues in head-mounted display-based driving simu-
            lators. In: Proceedings, Driving Simulation Confer-
            ence, Strasbourg, 2019, Driving Simulation Associa-
            tion, in preparation
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