Page 26 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 26


                                                                             Velocity          Acceleration
                      Single DoF                   Non-single DoF
          Surge          -0.24     0.27     -0.30     0.29       m        0.6      m/s        6        m/s²
          Sway           -0.23     0.23     -0.30     0.30       m        0.6      m/s        6        m/s²
          Heave          -0.19     0.19     -0.19     0.19       m        0.5      m/s        8        m/s²
          Roll            -19       19       -22       22        °        40        °/s      300       °/s²
          Pitch           -19       23       -22       24        °        50        °/s      300       °/s²
          Yaw             -19       19       -22       22        °        50        °/s      500       °/s²
          TABLE 1 Technical parameters of the motion platform (DoF = Degrees of Freedom) [8] (© Volkswagen)

          ond is the IPG CarMaker model, which    steering wheel (Senso-Wheel SD-LC from   After the adjustment of the mock-up to
          is linked by a Matlab/Simulink interface.   Sensodrive) can be moved together with   a specific vehicle model, test persons can
          On the basis of Open-CRG files, special   the complete front end in the direction of   trim the seat and steering wheel for their
          road surfaces are transmitted to the   x (in driving direction forwards/back-  personal comfort within the usual lim-
          motion platform using the so-called   wards) and separately in the direction    itations like in a real vehicle. FIGURE 5
          Road Surface Interaction Server.  of z (up/down), FIGURE 4.         and TABLE 2 visualize the adjustment
           Additionally, a seat belt pretension   In addition, the steering wheel mount   possibilities and an overview of all
          system was integrated into the platform   can be moved translationally in y-direc-  adjustment distances.
          in order to optimize the motion experi-  tion (left/right). In the center console at
          ence. This system increases the tractive   the dashboard, a mount is integrated in
                                                                              ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE
          force at brake maneuvers in relation to   order to attach different display dum-
          the acceleration value, which increases   mies. So in simulations, a haptic refer-  The adjustment of the mock-up for a spe-
          the feeling of a brake action. Unity 3-D   ence is given besides the visualization.   cific vehicle project starts with the ergo-
          visualization software is used for render-  The driver‘s seat can be adjusted trans-  nomic data which are derived from a
          ing. Other road users are simulated    lationally in the direction of x, y, z and   defined dimensional concept or given
          by Virtual Test Drive (VTD) and are    rotationally within the y-axis. The ped-  design data. For calculation, it will be
          also visualized by Unity 3-D. For the   als (Senso-Pedals Pro from Sensodrive)    entered in a specific table, FIGURE 6. In
          goal to have a realistic sound the H3S   can be parametrized and moved trans-  the following, the Catia CAD software
          system of Head acoustics was integrated   lational in the direction of x, y, z.    is used to load the construction model
          as sound simulation. Using the system,    A clutch pedal is not used because of    of the mock-up. Concurrently, a Visual
          it is possible to simulate measured   the de  creased sales figures of manual   Basic macro will be started to load
          sounds from real vehicles as well as    transmissions. Finally, it is possible to   the data out of an Excel table automati-
          synthetic noise of future vehicles (noise   move the foot placement support trans-  cally. Based on the kinematics from the
          from engine, roll, tire and wind, among   lational in the direction of y as well as   mock-up construction model, the adjust-
          other things). In spite of the open struc-  the tilt angle.         ment distances for the control motors
          ture of the mock-up, the playback is
          done by over-ear headphones (Bose
          QC25 with active noise cancelling) so
          that all disturbing ambient noises can
          be eliminated.

          An electromechanical hexapod is used
          to simulate motion stimuli for the test
          person. The technical parameters of the
          motion platform are shown in TABLE 1.
          On this hexapod a weight-optimized, for
          dynamics stress hardened and variable
          mock-up is mounted.

          With the use of 16 motors, all relevant
          elements can be adapted in their posi-
          tions. The dashboard with the fixed   FIGURE 4 Simulator cockpit with adjustment of dashboard and steering wheel (© Volkswagen)
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