Page 25 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 25

FIGURE 3 Software architecture of the
            Volkswagen simulator (© Volkswagen)                        Driving experience
                                                                                       Road surface
                                               Motion        Seat belt  Steering wheel
                                                                                        interaction   IPG CarMaker
                                               platform     pretensioner  and pedals

                              User                               Simulation core                      Matlab/
                             interface                            Panthera Solo                       Simulink

                                 Operating    Unity, HMD      H3S          Virtual     engineering  Driver assistance
                                 concepts                                 test drive                  systems
                                                                           Other        Modular
                                             Visualization    Audio      road users    connection

            ments has a fundamental meaning. For   DYNAMIC DRIVING SIMULATORS   the Wizard of Oz development tool.
            the verification of this third main goal,                            The disadvantages of this approach are
            relevant mock-up elements have to be   The extension of the seat buck with a   that physical components cannot easily
            ad  justed automatically at high precision   motion platform and the corresponding   be swapped. This was one of the require-
            and in a short time within the develop-  limitation of movable weight have led to   ments for the described application
            ment tool.                        specific weight-optimized mock-ups at a   scenarios.
                                              big part of the existing dynamic driving   In conclusion, every development tool
                                              simulators, FIGURE 1 (right). These mock-  has advantages for special use cases in
                                              ups can be changed for a specific use   comparison to the other tools. Never-
                                              case but this means direct comparisons   theless, with the use of examples in the
            Based on these three main goals, devel-  between variants are complicated [5].   explanation it was shown which disad-
            opment tools available on the market   Today, only control or display elements   vantages complicate a complete usage
            were checked for their qualification for   are flexible designed in some concepts   in relation to the requirements of the vir-
            the described use cases. Due to reasons   for positioning and visualization content.   tual interior evaluations.
            of clearness, the range is limited to prop-  Furthermore, driving simulators with
            erties which complicate the usage in    3-D projection systems are limited
                                                                                NEW DRIVING SIMULATOR
            the scope of virtual interior evaluations.   because of the required consistency
                                                                                ON HMD BASIS
            Existing development tools include stat-  between virtual (rendered) and real
              ic and dynamic driving simulators, vehi-  components for interior evaluations    On the basis of the knowledge gained,
            cle in the loop as well as Wizard of Oz   due to the given visualization latencies.   Volkswagen developed a new dynamic
            which will be presented in more detail    Both examples significantly restrict    driving simulator concept, FIGURE 2.
            in the following.                 their usage for the use cases of the vir-  The attempt was made to combine the
                                              tual interior evaluations required here.  respective advantages of the simulators
                                                                                in a single tool [7]. Hereafter, the essen-
                                                                                tial components of this dynamic and
                                              VEHICLE IN THE LOOP
            Actual adjustable and virtual seat bucks,                           HMD-based concept are presented.
            FIGURE 1 (left), as static driving simula-  The vehicle-in-the-loop development tool
            tors, with a Head-mounted Display   is based on a complete functional vehicle
                                                                                BASIC SOFTWARE AND
            (HMD) as visualization system offer    where the real world is superimposed
                                                                                HARDWARE COMPONENTS
            a high visual level of reality as well as   partially or completely by virtual visual-
            the highest variability [4]. Due to the   ization contents using an HMD [6]. Disad-  The simulation core is based on the Pan-
            missing vestibular cues, these static   vantageous in the view of the described   thera Solo software suite, the operating
            versions are mostly appropriate for   use cases are the minor variability of the   system of the Dutch simulator manufac-
            static evaluations and not for driving   physical existing vehicle components and   turer Cruden. This suite is part of the
            situations with regard to simulator   the limited scenario complexity.  software architecture, FIGURE 3. This
            sickness. Therefore, seat bucks can                                 operating system is responsible for the
            only cover a limited part of the evalua-                            synchronization of all software compo-
                                              WIZARD OF OZ
            tion content of the virtual interior eval-                          nents and the control of the motion plat-
            uations. In addition, due to the missing   Similar to a driving school car, the   form. Two models can be used for the
            acceleration stimuli, no realistic head   co-driver’s seat or one of the back seats   vehicle dynamics simulation: The first is
            motions can be generated.         is converted into a second driver seat in   developed internally by Cruden, the sec-
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