Page 28 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 28


                                                                                               FIGURE 7 Virtual reality
                                                                                               in HMD visualization
                                                                                               (© Volkswagen)

          The view matrix places the camera in   during installation. When the axis of   acceleration signals obtained from the
          the virtual world. The HMD and MOT   the head tracker and the motion base   motion base, FIGURE 8.
          matrices contain the HMD and motion   are aligned, the matrix only contains
          head tracking offsets respectively. The   a translation offset. But in general it
                                                                              CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK
          MOT2HMD matrix transforms the coor-  might contain a translation and rota-
          dinate system of the motion base to the   tion. A final complication lies in the fact   New requirements occur in this driving
          coordinate system of the HMD. The   that the sensors introduce latency and   simulator concept with regard to other
          view matrix is given by the vehicle sim-  should be delayed or predicted such   types of simulators. This is due to the
          ulation algorithm (it is the position of   that they align in time. Since the head   combination of a variable seat position
          the head in the virtual car). The HMD   tracking algorithm is hardcoded in   and visualization using an HMD on a
          and MOT matrices are measured with   unity, we determine the time shifted   motion platform. Therefore, there are
          physical sensors. The MOT2HMD is a   motion tracking matrix using the linear   already several validations done which
          static matrix that should be calibrated   and rotational position, velocity and   show up that those developments, in the

                                                      Rendered image

                                                       Head tracking
                                                                                               Unity camera

                                                                         Calculate to HMD axis   Motion
                                        Time shift       Invert matrix
                                                                            (MOT2HMD)          compensation

                                                                                            Camera positon in the
                                                                                             virtual environment
          FIGURE 8 Functional principle of the motion calculation (© Volkswagen)
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