Page 31 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 31
also focusing on our Shy Technology, Han Hendriks, B. F. A. MBA, (born
where the technology becomes invisible in 1965) has been Chief Technol-
and the occupants only see the buttons ogy Officer (CTO) at the newly
when they need them. For the rest of the formed company Yanfeng Tech-
time, they are concealed behind wood, nology (YFT) since September 1,
leather, or plastic surfaces. A further 2019. Before being appointed to the
result of the study was that some people new position, he was CTO at Yan-
feel overwhelmed by the huge number feng Automotive Interiors (YFAI). He
of different functions currently on offer. began his professional career at
We call this cognitive overload. So in Océ (Canon) and Fluke (Danaher).
the XiM20 concept, we conceal the but- In 1999, he moved to Johnson Con-
tons and switches not only to produce a trols (YFT today), where he held
peaceful ambient environment, but also, various management positions. For
which is much more important, to make example, he worked as Vice Presi-
the functionality smart and intel ligent. dent Product Development Interiors
In this process, the choreography of the and General Manager for the
individual functions becomes increas- Europe region. In his new function
ingly relevant. at YFT, Hendriks is responsible for
the global Smart Cabin Vision and
Your XiM20 vehicle and interior concept Strategy, as well as for managing
study was carried out together with Chinese, the product portfolio, and for strate-
US-American, and German test persons, gic partnerships. The new business
your core markets. Were the results uniform unit has its headquarters in Shang-
worldwide? hai (China); its European business © Yanfeng
HENDRIKS _ There are certainly differ- is controlled from Neuss (Germany).
ences and certain preferences in the cul-
tures, and this was also shown in our
study. We were able to filter out 28 fea-
tures, or dimensions, that are linked happens slowly, but continuously. It is cago, you will find the same shops and
with the aspect of quality of life. But the the result of globalization. You can see the same clothes, and people drinking
borders between these dimensions tend this in our big cities: whether it is in the same coffee.
to shift, or even become blurred. This downtown Frankfurt, Shanghai, or Chi- SHIH _ The world is permanently chang-
ing. Not only the technologies, but also
the people and their needs. The mega
trend today is quality of life. Societies
Tim Shih, B. E. D. B. Sc., (born on all continents want to have more time
in 1972) has been Vice President for experiences, not only buying things,
Design and User Experience but also having intensive experiences
at Yanfeng Technology since with objects and partners.
September 1, 2019, where he is
responsible for design strategy, And where then are there still differences
future concepts, and the global in the cultures?
Design Team at the three studio HENDRIKS _ In China, the subject of heri-
locations in China, Germany, and tage and origin is much more predomi-
the USA. He began his career nant than in the USA. People in Beijing
in 1998 at Volvo Trucks North prefer more “Christmas tree” effects,
America as an industrial designer. in other words more lights and glitter,
In 2000, he moved to Johnson whereas Europeans prefer their interior
Controls as Senior Designer, with to be “cleaner.”
postings in Japan and Germany. SHIH _ On the subject of light effects, our
In 2006, he joined BMW Group. “Active Space” is ideal for future interi-
Initially appointed as Automotive ors. It is integrated into the rear cabin
Designer for Interiors in Germany, space of the XiM20 and offers passengers
he quickly advanced to become the opportunity to escape from the hus-
Zinoro Head of Interior Design and tle and bustle of everyday life and create
then to Senior Manager Design a feel-good atmosphere through immer-
for BMW-Brilliance Automotive in sive interaction. This intuitive and inter-
active sensor system solution is based
© Yanfeng Shanghai (China). His most recent on the interior design and intelligent
position was Vice President De -
surfaces of Yanfeng Technology and the
sign at YFAI since 2017.
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