Page 32 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 32


         © Yanfeng

          In China, the subject of heritage and origin is much more predominant than in the USA, explains Han Hendriks (center) talking to Tim Shih (right) and Michael
          Reichenbach (left), Vice Editor in Chief of ATZ

          sensor technology of IEE. Another of    How do you handle these 28 dimensions?   of minutes, hours, years. What things
          our technologies is a fragrance atomizer   Isn’t there a risk of getting lost in the    are important during a journey of a few
          that we have developed together with   fine details?                 minutes? And what is important when
          Inhalió. We have also developed a UV   SHIH _ The 28 quality of life dimensions   I am being driven for several hours from
          surface sanitizer for the XiM20 that   include things such as convenience,   Stuttgart to Cologne? And then again,
          keeps the surfaces and the air hygieni-  emotional attachment, and freedom.   what do people find so valuable about
                                            You’re right, that is certainly a lot when   a car that they want to own it for several
                                            it comes to defining what quality of life   years?
          “Security, well-being,            consists of. But we also wanted to know
                                            more precisely which of these are the   There are plenty of test-person studies
          and quality are the               most important. From the top 7, we ulti-  already. Isn’t that just marketing?

          top 3 dimensions of               mately filtered out the top 3: the need for   HENDRIKS _ I am a great believer in this
                                            security, physical well-being, and qual-  consumer research, as it forms the basis
          quality of life”                  ity. These three must always be present;   for our interior development. If the end
                                            they form the basis for everything else.   customer doesn’t like it and we have built
                                            We at Yanfeng Technology, with our long   it nevertheless, it will end in an economic
          cally clean. When the car arrives at the   history in interior development, then   disaster for us. We must take the results
          customer, it is absolutely clean and   wanted to interpret these three results   of studies seriously in order to implement
          smells good. Particularly in Japan and   for ourselves. We superimposed them on   the findings in a concept vehicle.
          China, people find these functions   the three automotive trends of ride shar-
          important. On a single day, this kind    ing, car sharing, and ownership.   Herr Shih, can you briefly explain what you
          of people mover might transport up to   HENDRIKS _ We combined the 28 dimen-  mean by the three time units of minutes,
          1000 people, so it shouldn’t be dirty.   sions and the top 3 with the time units    hours, and years?
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