Page 33 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 33

SHIH _ The subject of ride sharing can be   third area is commodity, where we see
            assigned to the time unit of minutes, as    who offers the best price for the best per-
            a taxi journey usually lasts an average   formance, and then we buy it in. Strate-
            of 20 min. In this case, aspects such as   gic partnerships are very important for
            time saving, convenience, and intelligent   us to accelerate our global strategy.
            payment are important. Car sharing, on
            the other hand, is assigned to the unit of   You are relying on strategic partnerships
            hours. Here, comfort and the experience   for the fragrance and audio systems.
            play a role, for example you hire a nice   What expertise were Inhalió, Noveto,
            convertible for a weekend. The third   and IEE able to provide?
            trend, ownership, can be assigned to the   HENDRIKS _ We had a project with the
            unit of years. This is the conventional   company Inhalió on the subject of fra-
            business of car sales that we are familiar   grances. It is a small start-up company
            with. In this case, aspects such as emo-  from Silicon Valley in California, but it
            tional attachment, personal image,   was very passionate about helping us
            accomplishment, and status are import-  to design tomorrow’s interior. The fra-
            ant for the customer – everything that   grance is no longer oil-based, but uses
            a car is today, and also a symbol.  dry molecules. You can switch from
                                              a pine tree to a strawberry fragrance
            As the newly formed global Yanfeng Technol-  almost digitally.
            ogy unit, with its five business units since the   SHIH _ And together with Noveto, we
            beginning of September, you have to manage   have developed a wonderful audio sys-
            a wide range of products such as instrument   tem. Without using headphones, each
            panels, seats, intelligent surfaces, and air-  occupant can listen to their own music
            bags, both from the manufacturing side and   or their own telephone call at their seat,
            logistically. Won’t that be extremely complex?  without hearing what the person next
            HENDRIKS _ Yes, it’s a lot of work. But we   to them can hear. The sound is not
            also have a lot of support from our glo-  focused on the seat, but envelops the
            balization strategy and the new function   person’s head almost like a bell, even
            as a system supplier. If car makers also   allowing the person to move. Other sup-
            had to worry about the interior, in addi-  pliers on the market use a sound tube
            tion to their main worries of autonomous   for this, but this means that some of the
            driving and electric mobility, they would   sound can still be heard by the person
            have a lot to do. Instead, they prefer us   in the other seat. These 3-D motions are
            to take care of supplying the interior as    recognized by a near infrared stereo
            a turnkey product. The OEM customer   camera from the sensor specialist IEE.
            therefore has only one interface to us.
            That is also what all of our customers   Han Hendriks and Tim Shih, thank you very
            said in the first discussions that we had   much for this interesting interview.
            here at Arena2036: Your strategy fits per-
            fectly because you take on the job of   You can read more of the interview in
            complexity and supplier management    German on the ATZ online portal at    lightweight
            as a global leader.     

            Does that mean that you do everything on
            your own for the car maker?
            HENDRIKS _ No, we can’t do everything
            ourselves if we mean the complete func-                                     -PUK V\[ OV^ -YHURL >PYL 9HJL
            tionality in the interior. We have three
                                                                                        )LHYPUNZ VќLY ^H`Z [V KLZPNU TVYL
            stages: Firstly, we define what the core
            topics are. We definitely have to deal                                       MYLLS` HUK TVYL LHZPS`
            with these ourselves in-house. These                                        -VY TVYL PUMVYTH[PVU HIV\[ -YHURL
            include, for example, the Smart Cabin                                       3PNO[^LPNO[ )LHYPUNZ WSLHZL ]PZP[!
            Controller, which controls all of the
            lighting, fragrance, and touch functions.
            The topic of fragrance takes us into
            the second stage, where we work closely
            together with strategic partners, such
            as Inhalió for the fragrance system and
            Noveto for the audio technology. The   INTERVIEW: Michael Reichenbach
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