Page 24 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 24


          FIGURE 1 Virtual seat buck as static driving simulator at Porsche (left, © Porsche) and dynamic driving simulator at FKFS (right, © FKFS)

          acoustic signals and haptic elements are   The usage of real prototypes is not pos-  orientation of the dashboard and dis-
          necessary.                        sible due to time constraints and cost -  plays are adaptable to different vehicle
                                            intensive production. Hence out of this   models. This implies that the primary
                                            second main goal, the need for the usage    contact points between driver and vehi-
                                            of virtual vehicle models results.  cle have to be always in the ergonomi-
                                                                              cally correct position for the current con-
          The evaluations of new vehicle models                               cept. Especially in the evaluation of visi-
                                            FLEXIBILITY OF THE MOCK-UP
          are done in the early development phase                             bilities, occlusions and spatial feeling,
          before concept decisions are made. In   The virtual interior evaluations are done   the correct seat position takes an ele-
          this phase, many variants are compared.   in any vehicle project at various mile-  mentary role. In addition, for studies
          For a suitable development tool, this   stones. Thus, it is necessary that basic   about interaction concepts (human-ma-
          results in a requirement that all vehicle   and flexible elements of the used devel-  chine interface), the position of direct
          components have to be highly variable   opment tool like the positions of seat,   contact points of the steering wheel, the
          and changeable in a minimum of time.   pedals and steering wheel as well as the   pedals and the display and control ele-

                                                                                               FIGURE 2 Dynamic,
                                                                                               HMD-based driving
                                                                                               simulator concept
                                                                                               with variable mock-up
                                                                                               (© Volkswagen)
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