Page 48 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 48


                                                                               The measurement data in the study
                                                                              with test subjects was recorded via elec-
                                                                              trodes on the subjects, wearables, and
                                                                              interior sensors. Sensor systems that
                                                                              enable contact-free recording of relevant
                                                                              psychophysiological markers are set to
                                                                              be developed for potential volume pro-
                                                                              duction application.
                                                                               The background: Everyone reacts dif-
                                                                              ferently to vehicle movements, and pos-
                                                                              sesses an individual sense of ride com-
                                                                              fort. At ZF, this fact is depicted in an algo-
                                                                              rithm based on AI methods that acquires
                                                                              knowledge of the physical reactions of
                                                                              each passenger to the current driving
                                                                              dynamics, enabling a personalized profile
                                                                              to be created. As a consequence of this,
                                                                              individual data are obtained for every
                                                                              passenger in a vehicle, meaning that
          FIGURE 4 In order to research the physiological markers of travel sickness, ZF carried out detailed studies   automated vehicles would actually be
          involving test subjects led by neuroscientists (© ZF)               able to implement the preferred driving
                                                                              style of each passenger. Route planning
                                                                              or maneuver and trajectory planning and
                                                                              the vehicle’s stabilizing functions support
                                                                              the algorithm interfaces that are relevant
                                                                              to ride comfort.

                                                                              CONCLUSION AND PROSPECTS
                                                                              With its innovation vehicle, ZF has
                                                                              taken yet another important step toward
                                                                              functionally networking the chassis.
                                                                              A new, specially developed regulation
                                                                              algorithm allows safety, comfort, and
                                                                              dynamic functions that were previously
                                                                              independent to be intelligently and opti-
                                                                              mally tailored to each other. The avail-
                                                                              able interfaces also allow the sensors
                                                                              to be extended to suit comprehensive
                                                                              automated and autonomous driving
          FIGURE 5 The results of the subject studies are visually displayed and evaluated electronically (© ZF)

          ence such symptoms when the vehicle   relation with the subjective perception
          maneuvers independently over longer   of travel sickness by individuals in real
          stretches of road.                traffic conditions. They furthermore
           If the chassis is expected to counter-  examined how this correlates to the
          act this, the related function parameters   driving dynamics of a vehicle, FIGURE 4
          for the driving dynamics must be rooted   and FIGURE 5
          in a scientific basis. To this end, ZF is   The joint research incorporates the
          currently collaborating with the Sys-  fields of neuro-technology, psycho-physi-
          tems Neuroscience and Neurotechnol-  ology, artificial intelligence, and driving
          ogy Unit (SNNU) at the Saarland Uni-  dynamics. Over more than 10,000 km,
          versity and the University of Applied   the research team gathered more than
          Sciences at Saarbrücken (htw saar). In   50,000 GB of physiological markers in
          several studies involving test subjects,   the central and autonomous nervous sys-
          the researchers analyzed the physiologi-  tem in the form of thermographic, imag-
          cal markers that show the highest cor-  ery, and driving dynamics data.
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