P. 24


                                                                                                               © Moritz Reich | Continental

          Ralph Lauxmann (right) thinks that driverless cars will gain wide acceptance; otherwise the traffic density in large cities will continue to increase and this will
          lead to more congestion and air pollution, which will not be socially acceptable

          every situation. In the first few years, the   has paved the way for the ongoing devel-  I think that driverless cars will gain wide
          Cruising Chauffeur may not be able to   opment of the systems. I have not seen a   acceptance. Otherwise, the traffic
          take control along the entire motorway   transport minister or the German political     density in large cities will continue to
          route that the driver has planned. There   system respond so quickly before. The   increase. This will lead to more conges-
          may be sections of road where the   team has taken comments and suggestions   tion and air pollution, which will not be
            necessary intelligent infrastructure is    on board immediately and incorporated   socially acceptable. There is already a
          not yet available. This will mean that   them into their work.      demand for these systems and public
          the Cruising Chauffeur function cannot                              confidence is growing. For example, a
          be approved for use in these areas.                                 full-time underground train system with-
          A completely new type of communica-  “A gradual approach            out drivers has been in operation in
          tion between humans and machines is
          needed in order to make this transparent  from level to level is    Nuremberg since 2007.
                                            not a bad idea”
          and to implement the function.                                      When will we see large numbers of people
                                                                              movers on our streets?
          Will driver assistance systems gradually be                         I hope that there will be an intelligent
          developed into autonomous systems? Or do   Robotaxis, people movers and self-driving   transport system of this kind at the
          we need to take one big leap forward to SAE   vehicles based on SAE level 5 are currently   Olympic Games in Japan. Tokyo 2020
          level 5? What should politicians be doing?  being developed for Uber, Lyft and DiDi to   could be the breakthrough. In its
          A gradual approach is not a bad idea,   provide automated mobility as a service,    Self-driving Car project, Continental is
          because the big leap forward that many   also known as aMaaS. What sort of market   testing a similar vehicle that can travel
          people want may well prove to be a step   acceptance will these vehicles have and   not at 10 but at 40 km/h, which allows it
          too far. First we need to monitor the usage   which areas is your company working on in   to cover longer distances quickly.
          and acceptance of the systems that will be   this respect?
          introduced onto the market over the next   This type of transport is not new, but   Ralph Lauxmann, thank you very much for
          few years. On the basis of the resulting   existing systems do not exceed speeds of   this interesting conversation.
          findings, the next steps in the development   10 km/h. They can be found at airports
          process can be taken and the necessary   and railway stations and in inner city   You can read more of the German inter-
          legislation can be put in place. I think it is   areas all over the world. For example,   view on the ATZ online portal at www.
          good that Alexander Dobrindt, the German   Deutsche Bahn is trialling a system in
          Federal Minister of Transport, and his   Leipzig and Berlin that takes passengers
          team are working flat out. Their new act   from the rail platform to the bus station.   INTERVIEW: Michael Reichenbach
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