P. 29

platform includes medini Analyze, which
            efficiently implements core activities of
            functional safety analysis and integrates
            it into the product development process.

            Sensors are new key components that
            have to be developed for automated and
            autonomous driving. Simulation uses
            high-fidelity physics to predict the per-
            formance of sensors such as radar, V2X
            communication, GPS antennas and ultra-
            sonic sensors. Particularly, since simula-
            tion predicts radar patterns and gain in
            specific driving scenarios, FIGURE 4:
            Expensive and time-intensive physical
            testing becomes unnecessary. In addi-
            tion, simulation computes the changes
            in the performance of a radar, such as   FIGURE 3 Example for a Scade software model (© Ansys)
            caused by rain or snow. This provides
            precise insights into realistic radar oper-
            ation at a fraction of the time and cost
            of field tests. The Ansys simulation plat-    – isolated radar simulation: Here the   dation of radar performance due to
            form contains an electromagnetic field   radar antenna and radome are simu-  obstacles such as radiator grills, pres-
            solver (High Frequency Structural Simu-  lated as placed in free space. This ena-  ent in the vehicle, FIGURE 5.
            lator, HFSS) and a path-tracing-solver   bles rapid parametric studies to opti-    – in-environment radar simulation: Here
            (Shooting and Bouncing Rays, SBR+)   mise geometric and material design of   the performance of the radar is repro-
            which are used for the high-resolution   antennas and radomes.        duced in a realistic environment com-
            simulations of automotive radars. These     – as-installed radar simulation: In this   prising of other vehicles, buildings,
            simulations accelerate four radar devel-  case, the radar is mounted on a vehicle   pedestrians, trees, etc. With a given
            opment aspects, as follows:         with the aim of determining the degra-  input signal at the transmitting

            FIGURE 4 Optimisation of a radar beam: (a) simulation of radar antenna pattern, (b) layer composition, (c) effect of radome on radar antenna pattern (© Ansys)
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