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© Hirschvogel
Hirschvogel | Forged Bodywork Parts
The Hirschvogel Automotive Group has launched They also combine high levels of strength and need for seams and joints. These new forged
a new range of forged steel and aluminium parts ductility, which enables them to absorb large components increase the crash safety and
for use in vehicle bodies. The components are amounts of energy in the event of a crash. product quality of vehicles and offer new options
hot forged and then undergo a controlled cool- Transitions between thin areas of components, for integrating functions into the bodywork.
ing process to achieve the necessary level of such as those which are spot welded onto car Possible applications include load-bearing body
strength. Forged components with a monoblock body parts, and thick areas, where a threaded components with a hollow cross-section that
design are single parts with no joins or bonds. hole can be created, are possible without the support the chassis or subframe.
© Michelin © LG
LG |
Michelin | Camera Modules with
Tyre-wheel Study © PTV Artificial Intelligence
for Environmentally PTV | As a supplier for advanced driver assistance
Friendly Mobility Traffic Simulation systems, LG Electronics has been selected
Software by a premium German carmaker to supply
In Michelin’s Visionary Concept study, the camera modules with accompanying software
wheel and tyre merge to become one unit that One key feature of the vehicle development in its next generation of cars. As a key com-
is designed to last throughout the vehicle’s process is time-consuming testing in real ponent of a comprehensive smart car system,
life cycle. A bionic honeycomb structure forms traffic. Every possible interaction with other the LG camera can detect objects from a long
the basis for the robust combination of wheel road users needs to be taken into considera- distance away and initiate autonomous emer-
and tyre. The cavities between the branches tion. The PTV Vissim software developed by gency braking if a collision is imminent. In
around the hub are kept as small as possible the PTV Group creates realistic simulations of combination with artificial intelligence, the
to increase the stiffness of the material. all other road users in every conceivable envi- camera can also help to keep the car in its
Closer to the bead and the tread the gaps ronment and in all types of traffic conditions. lane when combined with a lane departure
become larger and the material more flexible Features such as the topography of a test warning system and make sure that it stays
to give a more comfortable ride. The special track, a variety of different weather condi- a safe distance away from other vehicles.
features of the concept tyre include a bio- tions and even the driving style that is typical Traffic sign recognition and intelligent high
degradable tread that can be replaced at of the country in question can be included in beam assist are other advanced features.
any time using a 3-D printing process. the simulation. The software allows the inter-
action of the car with the surrounding traffic
to be analysed.