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          FIGURE 5 Mapping of a radar antenna: (a) radar antenna pattern in free space, (b) modified pattern if the beam
          is interfered by front components like radiator grills on the vehicle (© Ansys)

           antenna, the high-fidelity physics sim-  them robust. With Icepak, Si-Wave and   The physical effects due to shrinking
           ulation calculates the output signal at   Mechanical, the Ansys simulation plat-  components geometries lead to challenges
           the receiving antenna based on the   form provides specific tools to analyse   in the development regarding power and
           virtual environment “monitored” by   various physical phenomena in elec-  reliability of the components. With the
           the radar, FIGURE 6.             tronic packages, circuit boards, fixtures   RedHawk 3DIC and the PowerArtist pack-
            – in-driving-scenario radar simulation:   and systems.            age of the Ansys simulation platform,
           Reduced Order Models (ROMs) of                                     these challenges can be easily managed.
           high-fidelity simulations are used to   SEMICONDUCTOR SIMULATION
           create fast-executing, but highly accu-                            WHAT CAN AUTOMOTIVE
           rate, radar models.              ADAS and autonomous vehicle systems   DEVELOPMENT LEARN FROM
          The same simulation tools are also used   require a very high performance in sig-  AVIATION?
          to develop and to place antennas for V2X   nal processing and computation to be
          communication. They ensure signal   done in real-time onboard the vehicle.    The aerospace industry has been ahead
          integrity in real-world scenarios, for   As a result semiconductor companies are   of the automotive industry in developing
          instance if buildings or other vehicles   developing devices with improved per-  autonomous systems. Nowadays, most
          interfere with the signal path, FIGURE 7.  formance, lower energy demands,   aircrafts operate over 80 % of their flight
           The Ansys simulation platform also   enhanced structural and thermal relia-  time in an autonomous mode. Model-
          offers an acoustic solver which can sim-  bility and reduced component size.  based solutions for embedded code gen-
          ulate ultrasonic sensors. One application
          is, for example, an ultrasonic sensor
          mounted on the rear corner of a car: As
          the vehicle approaches a cylindrical pole,
          the simulation, performed by a high-fi-
          delity computation of acoustic wave
          propagation, helps recognise the pole.         Cross-lane traffic

          ELECTRONICS HARDWARE                     Guard rails
          Automated and autonomous vehicles
          contain far more electronic devices than
          today’s vehicles, such as radars, lidars,
          cameras and other sensors. Many of
          these are safety critical components.
          Therefore, their hardware needs to be                                                   Same-lane traffic
          designed to withstand electrical, ther-
          mal, mechanical and vibrational loads
          without failure throughout the entire                                          Rx and Tx radar
          life cycle of the vehicle. Simulation also                            Ego vehicle  antenna patterns
          expedites the testing of designs and pro-  FIGURE 6 High-fidelity physics simulation of a radar operating in a driving scenario: the radar is mounted
          vides physical insights that enable engi-  on the ego-vehicle roof (on the left in the figure); the coloured pattern stands for Tx (transmitter), the grey
          neers to optimise components and make   pattern is for Rx (receiver) (© Ansys)
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