P. 52


                                                                                    FIGURE 5 Efficient utilisation of waste
                                                                                    heat with coolant/coolant heat pump
                                                                                    (© Mahle Behr)

          cells as well. While the requirements for   increases the required specific cooling   of powertrains, such as fuel cells. Mahle
          the battery, electric motor, and electron-  capacity by about 28 %. The design of the   has the experience and expertise to
          ics remain the same, heating the hydro-  front end of the vehicle must therefore   develop and implement such holistic
          gen is yet another task, FIGURE 6.  include a larger radiator area and higher   solutions. In addition, products and sys-
           Compared with a combustion engine,   air mass flow through the radiator.  tems needed for such complex thermal
          about 30 % more specific cooling capac-                              management of hybrid and battery-elec-
          ity must be provided for the powertrain.   HOLISTIC SOLUTIONS FOR ALL   tric vehicles, or those with fuel cell pow-
          Although the absolute quantity of heat   DRIVE TYPES                ertrains, are provided.
          produced by a fuel cell drive is indeed
          comparable, it occurs at a lower tempera-  Holistic and intelligent thermal manage-
          ture (80 to 90 °C in comparison with   ment is a basic prerequisite for accept-  REFERENCE
                                                                              [1]  Jung, M.; Kemle, A.; Strauss, T.; Wawzyniak, M.:
          105 °C). The delta to the outside tempera-  ance of battery-electric mobility. It is   Interior Heating for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles. In:
          ture is thus significantly lower. This   also decisively important for other types   ATZworldwide 113 (2011), No. 5, pp. 36-40

                                                                                     FIGURE 6 Schematic cooling circuit for
                                                                                     a fuel cell solution (© Mahle Behr)
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