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          specific project requirements with little   Scene simulation                         Vehicle
          effort, FIGURE 3.                  – Scene generator                                – Real prototype
           The Command & Control component   – Scene database                       Vehicle data
          is used for controlling the processes from                 Vehicle data
          a central point. It receives the relevant
          vehicle data and passes them on to the               Scene data  Command &
          scenario simulator. In this simulation, a                       Control        Control
          scenario database provides the basis for              Scene data  – Communication    Control
          generating and varying the behaviour of
          the virtual target objects needed for the
          particular driving situation, with the   Visualisation                   Scene data  Active safety system
          vehicle data received being used to cal-  – Mobile display                          – Emergency braking
          culate the position of the objects in rela-  – Augmented reality app                – Pre-crash
                                                                                              – Emergency steering
          tion to the test vehicle. Finally, the object
          position is sent to the central control
          component in the form of object lists   FIGURE 3 Interaction of the five components of the ViL approach (© IAV)
          which pass this information on to the
          assistance function under test and to the
          visualisation facility.
           For the test engineers to see the target
          objects and their movement in relation
          to the test vehicle and, on this basis,
          evaluate the vehicle’s response, two
          forms of visualisation are predominantly
          used: an augmented reality view which
          is shown on a mobile device with camera
          (for instance a tablet), and a 3-D view,
          FIGURE 4.
           To generate the augmented reality
          view, the virtually generated objects
          and scenarios are superimposed on the
          image of the real-world test environ-
          ment taken by the camera. The 3-D
          view, in turn, contains the scenario
          generated in the simulation in three-di-
          mensional form and provides different
          views of the various phases of the test   FIGURE 4 Two different views for visualising critical driving situations in the vehicle (© IAV)
          scenario. The driver assistance function
          can be loaded directly to the relevant
          control unit in the real vehicle or, in
          emulated form, to the Command & Con-  ios to the real-world test environment.   real-world vehicle which, with real-world
          trol component. Finally, the fifth com-  This operating principle makes it possi-  vehicle tests, has hitherto either not been
          ponent is the real prototype vehicle in   ble to use the test method both in early   possible or only possible to a limited
          which the function being tested will be   as well as in late phases of function   extent. In particular, the ViL approach
          used and in which all actuators are   development. In the early phases, when   can be used for testing scenarios that are
          actually activated, making it possible in   the target hardware is not yet available,   too dangerous to perform with real-
          the vehicle to experience the response   driver assistance functions can be expe-  world target objects. Examples of this
          to the critical driving situation in a real-  rienced in the real-world vehicle by   include collision or narrow avoidance
          istic manner.                     means of ViL. This permits early valida-  scenarios at high relative speeds, critical
                                            tion of the function in conjunction with   driving situations, such as oncoming
                                            a real-world vehicle. In this way, it is   vehicles while passing and road users
                                            also possible to validate MiL, SiL and   swinging in just ahead of the vehicle as
          The ViL test method can be seamlessly   HiL test cases on a realistic basis.  well as multi-object scenarios, FIGURE 6.
          integrated into the test processes already   In the late phases of the development   In view of the direction of the
          existing for validating driver assistance   process, the ViL can be used to increase   approach, the focus is always on vali-
          functions. It forms the bridge between   the function’s level of maturity before   dating driver assistance functions on
          simulation-based test methods (MiL, SiL,   validation commences in the field. Above   the basis of the interaction between
          HiL) and real-world test drives, FIGURE 5.  all, the focus here is on making it possi-  vehicle functions and actuators. As the
           Here, elements from both testing types   ble to experience and evaluate valida-  sensors are simulated, they can be mod-
          are combined by adding virtual scenar-  tion-relevant driving situations in the   elled in any way in terms of their char-
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