P. 60
Expected only use high-sampling during the 1 ms
Measured event and for example 1 Hz sampling at
High resolution the rest of the time, only 10 kByte of data
No error will be produced, reducing the amount
Error of data by seven million times.
Pretrigger Posttrigger
Signal Low resolution Max. By combining this procedure and log
Min. viewing capabilites, a quick and simple
navigation of the test data is ensured.
RTStand integrates all this natively and
through complementary products for
Min. validation: Tube Analyzer – as the
measurement and analysis unit – and
RTStand LV 124 – as a fully-automated
testing solution.
*Tube defines the limits and the time interval, during which the limit analysis of the measured signal is performed SOLUTIONS
FIGURE 2 Schematic visualisation of adaptive logging for Big Data (© WKS) The connected car needs intensive data
communication, as explained above.
RTStand integrates plugins for various
Industry 4.0 needs, such as data saving
If you try a comparison of different it describes various testing scenarios for into and visualising from cloud
test levels from the subfields of system car components and the way they must technologies.
testing, design verification, product vali- behave under specific circumstances. Comparing the efficiency between dif-
dation, end-of-line testing and prototype Having the purpose of detecting even ferent test benches can be an important
testing, there are, from the author’s point the slightest failures in a signal and aspect while testing various car compo-
of view, similar issues and therefore also requiering a sampling rate of 100 kHz for nents. Each test bench can correspond to
similar solutions. all tested signals, the LV 124 produces a specific component and through cloud
huge amounts of data that need to be communication their interaction can be
analysed. Assuming that such big testing observed and improved.
resources are available, finding the one
Using National Instruments technology, short sporadic error of 1 ms will be a RADAR ACCURACY
WKS Informatik GmbH developed the challenge.
RTStand platform for testing integrated This idea drove WKS Informatik to As much as we as humans rely on our
ECUs throughout all test levels from proto- develop an adaptive logging process for senses to navigate through the daily city
typing to end-of-line tests. RTStand com- analysing data on-the-fly and thus jungle, so do autonomous vehicles rely
bines the functionality of a traditional HiL reducing the amount of data produced. on the accuracy of their sensors. A vehi-
system with those of a real-time auto- This not only saves IT resources, but cle must be able to react at speeds of
mated test equipment (ATE) and uses also enables a much faster data analy- even over 150 km/h. So vehicle sensors
methods of data reduction, for example for sis, through much easier data must work more accurately than human
the minimisation of log data. In addition navigation. sences.
to that, RTStand provides a powerful tech- As shown in FIGURE 2, it is possible to RTStand integrates radar target simu-
nique of data navigation, to examine rela- determine expected values like limits or lation solutions for both 24- and 77-GHz
tions between test result, test report and envelope curves for the signals to be radars, characterisation and chirp analy-
actual values measured in timing dia- tested. These curves are used at runtime sis tools for radar, which are used exten-
grams – with the emphasis on finding in order to determine whether a signal sively in hardware development and end-
relations, instead of only searching. behaves as expected under given condi- of-line testing, FIGURE 3.
tions. In a good case, the signal will be
logged with a reduced rate – the only
interesting information here being the THEM ALL
In order to insure components reliability, approximate signal trend- In a failed
OEMs have to fulfil various norms. The case, the signal will be logged with the WKS Informatik integrates all the above
LV 124 (and its related norms VW 8000, highest rate (for example 100 kHz). solutions and concepts into its RTStand
ISO 16750-2 etc.) is one of the most Let us take an example where 15 min platform, providing one solution for
important norms for automotive valida- of usual logging produce 71 GByte of testing from early prototyping, until the
tion. Developed by the German OEMs, data. Using adaptive logging, which will end-of-line. Because as an OEM you have