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          NEWS  PRODUCTS

                                                                                                                                  Evolving aluminium joining technologies  job include LSW, SPR, FSW, FSSW, and   New Lexus LS500
                New Lexus LS has the latest structure,                                                                            The aluminium alloy doors of the   laser welding. Tailored blanks are also   For the new LS body,
                                                                                                                                  Lexus LS are a showcase for joining
                                                                                                                                                                    used. The materials technology, forming
                uses a considerable amount of                                                                                     technologies. In addition to the   technology and joining technology         aluminium alloys are used for
                                                                                                                                                                                                               the bonnet, trunk lid, front
                                                                                                                                                                    established through the manufacture of
                                                                                                                                  hemming which is regularly used for
                                                                                                                                                                                                               fender, suspension tower,
                                                                                                                                  the outer and inner panels, the   the aluminium alloy doors for the LS       bumper beams and doors.
                Aluminium Alloy.                                                                                                  appropriate technologies used for each   will be applied to future models.

                                                                                                                                        Inner Panel                                                                Outer Panel

                                                                                                                                  Advanced aluminium technologies for   consolidating its production system to   the world’s top level of hemmability.
                                                                                                                                  the automobiles of the future     provide high-quality aluminium alloy   As for extruded products for automotive
                                                                                                                                  Against the background of the trend   sheet.                        use, UACJ has developed the new 7000
            The weight of automobiles affects cruising distance, so the main merit of using aluminium for automobiles is its      towards reducing vehicle weight, there   Regarding aluminium alloy sheet for   series, which displays excellent balance in
            effect on vehicle weight reduction. Aluminium is excellent in terms of strength and ductility, but it cannot match    is a drastically growing demand for   automotive materials, UACJ was the   extrusion performance, strength,
            steel in ease of forming because of its inferiority in elongation and shape-freezing properties.                      aluminium sheets for the body panels   first manufacturer in Japan to start   weldability and corrosion resistance.
                                                                                                                                  of mass-produced cars. Following   working on the development of the   The performance required for bumpers is
            The new LS has the latest structure that uses a considerable amount of aluminium alloy in the outer panels, and       customer requests from all over the   6000 series aluminium alloy sheet for   becoming very high.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Used for bumpers, the 7000 series alloys
                                                                                                                                  world, especially North America, where
                                                                                                                                                                    body panels, and we now produce and
            ultra-high tensile strength steel in the frame. In addition to the bonnet, trunk lid and front fender, aluminium is used   demand is expanding, UACJ has been   market aluminium alloy sheet featuring   greatly contribute to body weight reduction.
            for the doors. The application of aluminium has reduced the total body weight by 25% compared to the previous
            all-steel model, and because the car has four doors, there is an even greater effect on weight reduction.

                                                                                                                                   COMPANY OVERVIEW - UACJ Corporation
                         Kazuhisa Shibue         In general, the inner door panel has a  when considering changing to
                                                 complicated structure, so 5000 series   one-piece aluminium inner door
                         Center President, R&D Division,
                         Senior Managing Executive Officer,  alloys are frequently used because of   panels, because of its inferior
                         Member of the Board     their high formability.        formability and shape-freezing                      UACJ’s next-generation aluminium technology
                         UACJ Corporation
                                                 In consideration of dent resistance,   properties. Most European
                                                 6000 series alloys are used for the   carmakers have stamping lines with           At the UACJ Research & Development Division, comprehensive developments
                                                                                                                                    on automobile materials, including aluminium alloy materials, optimization of
                                                 outer door panels. However, Toyota   five to six processes, but Japanese           surface treatment and processing are being carried out.
                                                 decided to use  6000 series for both   carmakers have production facilities
                         Akio Niikura, Ph.D.
                                                 the inner and outer panels of the new  with four processes. One drawing
                         General Manager,        LS. Other carmakers produce inner   process is sufficient for steel, but           Corporate Name  UACJ Corporation
                         Development Department II & III,
                         Research & Development Division,  panels in three parts, but the LS   aluminium requires two. This         Headquarters  Tokyo Sankei Bldg., 1-7-2 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan
                         UACJ Corporation        panels are formed as single pieces.   means that other processing has to
                                                 This is largely a result of Toyota’s   be carried out by the remaining two         Principal  Manufacture and sales of aluminium rolled products, extrusions, cast products,
                                                 excellent stamping technology, with   processes. The high-level stamping           Business   forged products, precision-machined components and copper tubing.
                                                 aluminium manufacturer UACJ’s   technology which forms aluminium                   Capital    52,277 million yen (approx 463 million U.S. dollars)  Core members of the Automobile Materials Research Dept.
                                                 backstage support.             in four processes has been
                                                 Spring-back emerges as a problem   developed by Toyota Motor.
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