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            Commercial Vehicles

            are the Driving Force

            Dear Reader,                      use‚the‚vehicle for is what determines
                                              the most efficient and therefore most
            In just over two weeks the 67  IAA   suitable powertrain. As a result, gas
              Commercial Vehicles show begins in   drives and synthetic fuels will be
            Hanover (Germany). It will give a com-  more‚important in‚future for commer-
            prehensive overview of the current sta-  cial‚vehicles than for cars. In the field
            tus of tech nological development and    of‚automation and connectivity, practi-
            not only because its theme is “Driving   cal‚solutions are likely to be introduced
            Tomorrow.” This year the focus is on   within a more clearly defined timeframe
            the‚challenges presented by digitization,   than may be the case in the car industry.
            connectivity, automated driving, and
            alternative drive systems and on the spe-  As a result, commercial vehicles have
            cific solutions available. While it is not   become the driving force behind devel-
            yet clear in the car sector which new   opments in these important areas.
            systems will be introduced and when
            and, most importantly, how customers   I hope you enjoy reading this issue of
            will react to them, in the commercial   ATZ.
            vehicle industry the only consideration
            is‚to find efficient solutions for the future
            of transport and logistics.

            This gives the industry a clear advan-
            tage, because when the key factor is the
            cost per kilometer, driving pleasure plays   Dr. Alexander Heintzel
            a less important role and drivers do not   Editor in Chief
            have to be convinced of the benefits of
            automated driving or electric power-
            trains. At the same time, the commercial
            vehicle industry already has a very clear
            idea of the areas where fully electric
            vehicles are the ideal solution and where
            trucks with a combustion engine and a
            certain level of hybridization will in
            future be a more sensible choice.

            For this reason, the exhibitors at the
            IAA‚Commercial Vehicles from Sep-
            tember 20‚to 27, 2018, will be present-
            ing‚a kaleidoscope of drive systems
            from‚ combustion engines through to
            fully electric drives with new battery
            and charging technologies. Here the
              purpose‚that the end customer will

            ATZ worldwide  09|2018                                                                            3
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