P. 7


                                                                                                                 © ExQuisine |
                                             © Wabco                           © Bosch

            40  Damage caused to trucks or the infrastructure   58  Bosch has designed a system that    80  Connecting vehicles to the Internet
            in freight depots during maneuvering can be pre-  could reduce the risk of motorcycle crashes.    opens up new opportunities for hackers.
            vented by using automated processes. Wabco is   It consists of a gas generator that applies a    The TU Berlin highlights areas where
            developing assistance systems for this purpose.  lateral force to the bike to keep it upright.  IT security could be improved.

                CONTENTS                          DEVELOPMENT                       RESEARCH

              3  Editorial                        ASSISTANCE SYSTEMS                NEWS
                                              40  Assistance and Automation     74  Research
                                                  for Commercial Vehicles at
                120 YEARS OF ATZ: HISTORY         Freight Depots                    LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY
                                                  Oliver Wulf, Thomas Dieckmann,    76  Optimal Traffic Sign Luminance
                BRAKES                            Thomas Wolf [Wabco]               with Glare-free High Beam
              6  Thinking About Slowing Down                                        Kyriakos Kosmas, Jonas Kobbert,
                Stefan Schlott                44  Testing ADAS Functions in         Tran Quoc Khanh [TU Darmstadt]
                                                  Heavy-duty Commercial Vehicles
                                                  Kai Golowko [Bertrandt]           CONNECTIVITY
                NEWS                                                            80  Digital Attack Scenarios
              8  People + Companies               HYBRID DRIVES                     on Connected Cars
              9  Impulses                     48  Functional Safety Concept         Stefan Postler [TU Berlin]
                                                  of a Hybrid Powertrain for a
                                                  Heavy Duty Vehicle
                IN THE SPOTLIGHT                  Anunay Krishnamurthy,             CONFERENCE REPORT
                                                  Bastian Holderbaum [FEV]
            10  Effective Recycling                                             84  9  Munich Chassis Symposium
                of Electric-vehicle Batteries     SAFETY                   plus 2018
                Andreas Burkert               54  Effectiveness Assessment          Michael Reichenbach
                                                  of VRU Protection Systems
                                                  Peter Wimmer, Martin Benedikt,
                COVER STORY                       Jost Bernasch [Virtual Vehicle],    SERVICE
                                                  Izabella Ferenczi [BMW]
                COMMERCIAL VEHICLES                                             86  Imprint, Scientific Advisory Board
            16  Electric Drives and Charging Systems  58  Safety System for Preventing    87  Preview
                                                  Lateral Sliding in Curves
                                                  Anja Wahl, Matthias Klews,
                NEWS                              Andreas Georgi [Bosch]
            34  Products                                                            GUEST
                                                  BODY                              COMMENTARY
                                              62  Process Chain for the Additive    88   Triad of the
                                                  Manufacturing of Aluminum         Transformation
                                                  Lightweight Design Structures     Process
                                                  Martin Hillebrecht [Edag],        Harald Keller [Edag]
                                                  Claus Emmelmann [Fraunhofer IAPT],                             © Edag
                                                  Martin Feuerstein [Constellium],
                                                  Peter Scheller [Siemens]

                                              68  Thin-wall Foaming for
                                                  Vehicle Interiors
                                                  Klaus Mussack, Isabella Schmiedel, Otmar
            COVER FIGURE © Chesky_W | Getty Images | iStock  Rauchensteiner, Martin Gall [Dräxlmaier]
            ATZ worldwide  09|2018                                                                            5
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