Page 17 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
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sought to play down the significance of Future energy-supply systems and tion not to regard alternative fuels
the issue, claiming that sufficient capaci- modes of transportation must be clean, as a veiled strategy to avoid electric
ties are available to replace nuclear and secure and affordable. North Africa, vehicles. In an interview with MTZ,
conventional power plants, and that an for instance, is one of the most import- Prof. Christian Beidl of TU Darmstadt
additional capacity of around 8 GW will ant suppliers of energy to Europe. While remarks: “they represent a perfect com-
not be needed until around the end of the the costs of and prior experience with plementary technology” [21], a con-
coming decade [12]. The German power the Desertec project give cause to doubt clusion also supported by the German
company EnBW has also insisted that the feasibility of meeting 10 to 15 % Renewable Energy Federation (BEE).
“a shift towards electric vehicles does not of Europe’s power needs with solar In June 2019, BEE’s president, Simone
represent an immediate challenge” and power produced in the desert by 2050, Peter, demanded “a clear prioritization
that current capacities would suffice to the same green power could be used of both alternative engines and renew-
handle an EV market share of 30 % [13]. for the local production of synthetic able fuels in the transportation sector”
For its part, the Fraunhofer ISE has come fuels via power-to-gas/power-to-liquid [22]. We can already more or less expect
out in favor of a systematic approach to (PtL/PtG) or hydrogen that could then a 20-% reduction in transportation-
grid development after conducting a be exported to Europe relatively inex- related carbon emissions by 2030.
study of the system and cost development pensively [15-17]. According to a recent study conducted
that would accompany a green transfor- This would make carbon-neutral, by the Berlin-based Mercator Research
mation of the German energy sector. low-NO x and particle-free fuels avail- Institute on Global Commons and
Fraunhofer researchers recommend a able to power transportation in Europe. Climate Change and the British New-
model that accounts for: a CO 2 reduction Moreover, green power produced in castle University, this reduction will
to 85 % of a 1990s reference value; an Europe could then be used to directly be reached independently of the market
ambitious energy mix; accelerated EV meet remaining demand, which is success of electric vehicles, largely on
expansion; sustainable synthetic fuels; expected to increase 25 % by 2040 [18]. account of OEM development goals [23].
the complete renovation of existing ener- This supply strategy would make sense
gy-inefficient buildings; and costs on the for technical and economic reasons.
order of 1.1 trillion euros [14]. Efforts in China and the Golf region,
where much work is already being The latest decision on the part of the EU
done on sustainable synthetic fuels to place hydrogen-powered vehicles on
and hydrogen production for use in a par with battery-electric vehicles [24]
the transportation sector, underscore reflects an important and long overdue
A successful transformation of the the importance and potential of an reconsideration. “Energy sector experts
energy and transportation sectors will internationally coordinated approach have long since recognized that the
require an international approach. [19, 20]. It is essential in this connec- aim of developing renewable sources of
ATZ _ The transformation of our energy and Are lawmakers unable or unwilling
transportation sectors is more than an envi- to accept the essential role of
ronmental-policy challenge. What factors synthetic fuels in the development
do we need to get right to avoid social and of smart trans portation solutions?
economic dislocation? The idea that sustainable synthetic
BOTHE _ Energy and transportation are fuels will also play an important
existential needs. It follows that it will role in the development of future-
© Heike Fischer lic support to secure the success of among lawmakers, although many
be essential to garner broad-based pub-
oriented solutions is gaining traction
these mammoth projects. Solutions that
still lack a grasp of the system as a
emphasize downscaling in the area of
historically assigned roles, our politi-
consumer behavior are ultimately not whole. Given their connection to
Dr. David Bothe capable of winning majorities. Many cal processes are often too rigid to
Associate Director at the Cologne offices fail to fully appreciate the significance take account of new interfaces such
of the Frontier Economics consulting firm
of transportation to our prosperity. It as that between the trans portation
is important to find sustainable, green and energy sectors. We need sector cou-
solutions. We therefore need the whole pling, not only in our industries, but
range of technological approaches and also in political structures!
technology-friendly policies.
ATZ worldwide 11|2019 11