Page 16 - ATZ11 November 2019 Professional
P. 16
800 GW
721 GW
700 GW
600 GW
500 GW
… at the
400 GW
macro level 300 GW
(e.g. large 200 GW 183 GW
infra- 100 GW
structure) … 0 GW
Required grid 200 GW onshore
extension in wind correspond to
Germany equals 30 one windmill
100 % to 35 additional (3.5 MW) every
north-south links 2.5 km nationwide
© Frontier Economics at the micro freedom of choice and optionality
… but also
E-fuels/power-to-X allow for
level of
Public acceptance is the key to any transformation of the energy and transportation sectors
neous use [8]. This underscores the in less than 2 min to the critical level of power sources. The fact is that in addi-
extent to which a successful energy- 49.8 Hz throughout Europe, and threat- tion to their conventional load, our fragile
sector transformation in Europe is con- ened to fall further. Primary means of power grids will now be expected to
tingent on the installation of adequate regulation were insufficient to stop the supply an electrified transportation sec-
storage infrastructure for solar and fall and reserve power plants could not tor. If we want to make sure that such
wind energy, especially given the highly be ramped up quickly enough. The black- emergency intervention in the network
integrated nature of the European power out was only avoided by a decision made remains the exception, we will need to
grid and the need to retain it in its cur- in France to unload around 2 GW, an upgrade existing networks and secure
rent complexity. Power grids tend to amount that roughly corresponds to the transportation in a use-based manner
be very fragile and incapable of han- load of metropolitan Lyon [8]. In June with a variety of fuel types.
dling significant voltage fluctuations. 2019, Germany was also forced to respond According to a study conducted by
Threats to this delicate balance in the to chaotic grid circumstances on three Oliver Wyman, failing to invest billions
form of country-specific initiatives occasions, also by short-supplying seg- in the power grid and failing to do the
and inadequate planning could lead ments. As reported by the Mainz Allge- necessary careful planning will leave
to catastrophic Europe-wide outages meine Zeitung, the integration of the Germany and European countries in the
as a result of domino effects. European power grid led to a drop in shared power network ever more fre-
grid frequency throughout Europe [10]. quently exposed to the risk of blackouts.
A blackout was only prevented when Wyman suggests that if we assume an
France and Belgium ramped up their EV market penetration level of 30 %, “the
These conclusions are contested by stake- reserve power plants, four grid operators probability of secondary-network over-
holders such as Innogy and Eon who provided available regulated energy, and load rises to 95 % given the existing grid
recently issued statements indicating that Trimet Aluminium SE, which accounts structures and other regulatory factors.”
Aluminium SE,
our existing grids can accom modate the for 1 % of Germany’s power demand, According to the study’s authors, there is
increased demand associated with EV was taken from the grid. Astronomical “already an urgent need for action, given
charging, and that there was no risk of price spikes for power followed. While the expected lead times that will accom-
blackouts due to the volatility of renew- market specu lators were identified as pany grid expansion.” Moreover, progress
able energy sources [9]. Such claims may culprits, their actions merely reflect a needs to be made early, with completion
simply be an attempt to calm the public fundamental problem whose cause lies no later than 2032, as one would other-
in the wake of reports of blackouts of the in a lack of buffer resources as coun- wise run the risk of “widespread black-
sort that occurred on January 10, 2019 at tries continue to dismantle conventional outs in the near future” [11]. Meanwhile,
9:00 p. m. when grid frequency dropped power plants in favor of volatile green the German Environment Agency has